View Full Version : I need sleep !!!!!!

Desprate Dan
24-10-09, 05:44

I am going out of my mind i just cant sleep and its effecting my life big time, i am so tired all the time, i have lost intrest in everything i do because i simply cant be bothered and am constantly to tired, i just go to work and come home and lock myself away, then lay awake and maybe nod off for an hour or two but then i wake and cant get back to sleep.....I feel i cant go on like this any longer.

I have spoken to my GP in the past and he has given me advice but i think i need medication, which i must say i am reluctant to take but i just cant go on like this..

I dont think my GP is keen on giving medication to help people sleep, but i fear its the only way i can get some rest..

But i am frightened to ask incase he thinks i am trying it on...:weep: other wise i think i will be forced to look on the black market because i feel i have no other choice,..:ohmy:


24-10-09, 06:19
I am so sorry you are dealing with such a horrible problem. I too have major problems sleeping and have for almost 3 years. I take medication too sleep. But honestly and truly I wish I didnt. I am 110% hooked on the meds and I have to keep increasing the dose in order for it to work. I take 2 Ativan and 2 Clonazapam and 1 Propanolol every night just to actually get some sleep and it is starting to get to the point that I am going to need more soon.
I am going to throw some other suggestions out there. Do you exercise daily??? Make sure you get a minimum of 30 minutes of heart pumping exercise a day. It makes a world of difference. Also start a routine. Have a bath 4 hours or so before bed, dont have it to close to bed as your body temperature drops to help make you tired and prepare you for sleep so you dont want anything to interfer with that. Do some relaxation exercises and stretching after your bath and have a cup of tea (caffeine free!) There are some sleepytime teas on the market that are not bad. Once you lay down if your mind starts wandering try focusing on tensing and releasing all parts of your body starting with your toes up to your head, while breathing in through your nose and out through your nose. If after 30 minutes you are still awake get up and read or do something that is not too stimulating. Then try again in an hour or so. Keep your room dark and cool. I listen to my Ipod with ocean sounds on it and it drowns out all other sounds.
I have no idea if any of the above will work but I really hope it does because it really is not fun being hooked on meds in order to sleep, you never get a really good sleep as its basically artifically induced.

Desprate Dan
24-10-09, 06:45
Thanks very much Alison for your good advice, i am really sorry you are in the situation you are in, and thats what frightens me i dont want to get hooked on medication to sleep, but i feel like i am banging my head against a brick wall.....

I have tried all the above, i feel i have lost all motivation, to do exercise and the hobbies i once loved, i feel like i need a right kick up the backside to get me going, as i cant do this anymore, and i really get annoyed with myself.. It seems i have lost all intrest in life and i am just going through the motions... This is were it gets confusing i am not sure if its because i dont get any sleep that i feel so tired and unintrested in everything or its severe depression, i just wish i could be knocked clean out for 6 hours and the brought back feeling refreshed....

I know this is a bit dark but i am frightened to were the road will end.. I have read newspapers and seen on TV people who are dieing and have so much to live for or service men out fighting for us getting killed, and i feel they should be spared and for the lord to take me instead, as they have so much to live for as i feel i am only existing.... Sorry for being so down but thats how i feel at the moment.


24-10-09, 07:08
I'm in the same boat...hooked on alprozalom (xanax), ambien, and propanolol for sleeping..... I'm doing all the suggestions offered here to help sleep including exercising daily. and exercising daily does make a difference..just do it earlier in the day so your not full of adrenalin when you lay down for sleep.
also..try adding magnesium before bedtime. or calcium/magnesium..and take B vitamins during the day. not near bedtime. they help the body rebalance itself. Psychopoet swears on Inositol helping him sleep at night. I'm taking it now and have had mixed results....it may work for you.

Good luck in getting sleep.

24-10-09, 07:20
I am sorry that you are feeling that way. It is tough. I was at the emergency room for something related to a recent surgery and I picked up the direct line to a crisis worker and told them that I thought I was going crazy. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear or just sleep and sleep and sleep. Being awake seemed to hard. I am the mom of three so its hard when I get like that. I too have days that I just feel like I am moving through the day completely without motivation and just going through the motions. It is not a very pleasant feeling. I find it hard when there seems to be nothing to really look forward too. I mean winter is coming, yuck. I am not a fan of Christmas partially because we just cant afford it at all and I find it depressing. So it makes each day harder. I wish I had some brilliant advice that could help and make things better but atleast know you are not alone. I completely relate to how you are feeling. I truly hope things get better very soon.

Desprate Dan
24-10-09, 07:47

What is Inositol???

I will do anything to get some rest or motivation, i feel i am sinking fast down a deep dark hole...


24-10-09, 12:46
Sorry to hear you're having trouble getting to sleep. I think the main thing to do (if you're not already) is not go to bed or lay down on your bed unless you're tired and it's time to sleep. If I lay on my bed and then a while later try to get to sleep I find it harder than if I just go to bed when I need to sleep.

Exercising helps me as well, as does having a bath.

Maybe it would help you to have a wind down hour before going to bed. Don't watch tv or go on the PC, maybe read something for a little while, have a bath, listen to some music.

Good Luck!


jude uk
24-10-09, 13:24
I remember going through this and at one point I had not slept for even an hour in 6 days. The whole world became a blur and my anxiety went through the roof.
There was no real reason for my lack of sleep but a small change in my lifestyle helped.
No coffee or fizzy drinks after 7pm
No tv or pc an hour before bed

Reading a book did help and I must have went through dozens since then. My bedroom has NO TV and I leave the window open before I go to bed.

A short course of medication can help you get back to normal but look at your lifestyle and maybe see if other things in your life I.E. Anxiety etc

24-10-09, 19:03
Hello to all u creatures of the night.

Insomnia is pure hell, it just make's u feel like the waking dead. I'm sleeping very little at the moment, have to drag myself through the day. I know what u all mean by 'going through the motions'.

I've been taking St john's wort for the past 3 weeks and it's acting like a typical early stage SSRI. Bad anx, poor sleep, appetite gone. Hoping to see some positive effects soon. I feel i've done my time on the horrible SAs.

I had a very bad episode last year which started of with a few days of bad sleep, this then escalated into anx, which then turned into depression. I don't see the insomnia, anx and depression as separate conditions but as symptoms of the one syndrome

Dan, you actually sound really depressed, so rather than going down the sleeping pill route, maybe you could go down the AD route, they don't have addictive qualities so one less thing to worry about. I found they really help. Might go back on them myself :unsure:

Have you told your doc how you actually feel, or have you concentrated on the insomnia. You need to tell doc everything, your lack of sleep is only one of your symptoms from what i can see.

Wishing you all peace and rest

25-10-09, 04:42
INositol is a supplement. you can buy it at a health store. Vit B-8 it was classified as once. look it up on google search.

25-10-09, 04:57
I hope you have been able to get some rest

Desprate Dan
25-10-09, 05:49
Dan, you actually sound really depressed, so rather than going down the sleeping pill route, maybe you could go down the AD route, they don't have addictive qualities so one less thing to worry about. I found they really help. Might go back on them myself :unsure:

Have you told your doc how you actually feel, or have you concentrated on the insomnia. You need to tell doc everything, your lack of sleep is only one of your symptoms from what i can see.

Wishing you all peace and rest

Thank you Bexie, and all of you who have replied.

Bexie i am taking 20mg Citalopram daily for Anxiety and Depression, but to be honest its done nothing what so ever for my sleeping, in fact its made it worse i get the strangest dreams/nightmares when i do fall a sleep, and i have been taking the Citalopram for about 6 months..

As for waiting until you are so tired before going to bed, i tried that too but i feel so tired all day, but i pushed my self to stop up later infact until 3 am and fell a sleep but i am back up and awake again at 5.30am...:wacko:

I have a few thoughts to why this happens to me???

For years when i was younger i felt i didnt need much sleep and didnt even own an alarm clock i guess my body trained itself to waking up at a certain time...

Even now i have an alarm clock i dont think i have ever heard it go off.... I am always awake before it happens..

In my Current job which i have worked for almost 7 years its so boring, i sit for 9 hours away from anyone so i have very little communication and just watch and press a couple of buttons here and there but the machine pretty much runs itself, you are just watching for anything going wrong really.........This in turn makes me that tired i can barely keep my eyes open and i am constantly fighting my sleep, in case the boss comes along then i will be in big trouble...:mad:

I just wonder if my body has now trained itself to fight sleep so when i do eventually fall asleep, subconciously my mind is telling me its wrong wake up quick......or maybe i am just going ...:wacko::wacko:

I dont think i have enough time at the doctors to really explain things as they are so busy, the only people i have to listen are you lovelly people on this forum....

Thank you..:flowers:


25-10-09, 08:09
Hi Dan

Are the AD's working for your Anx/depression? Because if you're still depressed it's probably time to try another med. All meds are not the same and you may get better results from a different med.

I was wondering if the sleep problem has got worse lately, the lack of sun at this time of year can effect sleep patterns, especially for those of us who have these serotonin/melatonin problems.

My sleep is really bad at the moment as well. I fall asleep ok, then wake up at 1.5 hour intervals through the night. Funny thing is i'm not that tired during the day, though i am very clumsy and forgetful. I'm thinking of getting a light box. Could you use a light box in work? or at home maybe...got to be worth a try.

I know you said you tried exercise, but i think it only gives good results if you do it regularly. I found it good after about a month of regular (5 times a week) of high cardio work.

Hoping you find rest soon