View Full Version : all these bugs. i'm freaking out!

24-10-09, 09:56
Hi all

My anx is really high right now. All my family have had a bad cold, the kids with temps, and i'm still waiting for it to hit me. I'm scared that i will have it worse than them cos i not got it yet. My daughter had it and i shared my bed with her but still no sign for me.

I dread that i get a bug in case it sets me off again! My sister has just text to let me knoe my nephew had been sick all night, i'm emetrophobic, i nwas with him for half an hour yest and he wouldn't give me a bye bye kiss and i feel so relieved that he didn't.

My aunt also was admitted to hospital yest with fluid on the lungs, she got to have it drained. She has tyroid problems and i googled!!!! I'm not worried bout catching that now lol.

All at once, my head is in a spin any words of wisdom anyone?


25-10-09, 02:02
Yes...what they advise here is to carry Purell or alcohol wipes and be constantly aware to not touch your face after touching anything. Also, they suggest salt water gargles and salt in the nose to kill the bugs before they have a chance to get further into your mouth or nasal passages where they start trouble.

There was a man with MRSA in my building and I was afraid to push the elevator buttons. I used a tissue because I never knew if he had just been in there. The second I get home, I wash my hands and I carry the alcohol wipes everywhere. Between the regular flu, swine and MRSA, it's scary. Be careful if you visit the hospital too, that's the worst place to be as far as catching stuff.

25-10-09, 10:04
I'm emetophobic too and wash my hands constantly - I believe you can only catch sickness bugs by touch or if someone near you is actually sick and not by regular breathing in the same room so just be careful on the handwashing and you should be ok - hope this helps on this one