View Full Version : Ladies please - cyst

24-10-09, 11:22
I added to a prev thread about having a vaginal cyst.
I have had it 7 months and two drs told me its just a cyst and unless it gets very big or painful ignore.
I changed Drs and got new Dr to check it about 2 months ago but yesterday i felt it again and it has got alot bigger. Had my husband check and he said yet it is bigger but still just same colour as skin so not angry or red. Feeling it has always made it ache so am trying not to check its size all the time.
I am away most of next week so cannot see my Dr and to see a lady Dr I would have to wait a week anyway.
I thought I would get my husband to check it again tomorrow evening and if it has got even bigger then will just go and see whichever Dr is on even if its a man! but I have been at the Drs so much in last month like twice a week for injured back and IBS that I don't want to rush off again unecessarily.
any advice??

24-10-09, 12:02
Cysts can fluctuate in size. I have one on my neck that sometimes feels bigger then it did previously but it goes back down again. I have had three different doctors check it though so I'm no longer worried (after about 2 years of worrying about it I might add!) I would just see the doctor asap and in this case I probably wouldn't worry about seeing a lady doctor but I don't know how comfortable you would be with a man looking down there? If you do decide to see a man doctor then just remember they have seen it all before, they have so many patients x

24-10-09, 12:49
I have had 2 of these. They are called bartholins cysts. They can get quite big. Sometimes they just go on their own and other times, you may have to have it drained. I have done both. They are not harmful at all, just uncomfortable. Go back to your GP and ask to be referred to a gynae if you are not happy and they can sort it out.

Please try not to worry.

24-10-09, 12:55
I wouldn't worry too much about it being anything other than a cyst :) Cysts are quite common in that area, I get them now and again and they do eventually fade away and can change size.

I've had a cyst removed from my breast because it got far too big and painful, but nothing sinister was going on. Had it checked by the doctor when it first appeared and about a year later had it removed when it had tripled in size.

Don't be afraid to go the doctors again, after all you were told to go back if anything changed. You'll most likely be told to keep an eye on it and they may have it checked out just to be safe.


24-10-09, 12:55
i have had one as well, however I did not even know it was there. It was just found on an ultrasound and it was a fair size. They are very common and unless they cause problems like pain etc they are completely harmless and will usually pop on there own. Unless it is causing you pain I wouldnt worry as it will likely go away in time or if it does get bigger and painful then see your doc and he can drain it

24-10-09, 17:21
Thanks everyone - I know this isn't a bartholins cyst as its in the wrong place as that was what my Dr checked for first - she said its just a mucosal cyst from the mucus producing glands in the skin of your vagina - it is just inside the lip about halfway up.
I just wish it wasnt in such an awkward and embarrasing place! I don't mind going to the male Dr just feel sorry for him having to peer into my nether regions as it cannot be a pretty sight!!!!!!!!!
I knew a GP quite well and he was telling me that most of the time he switches off when examing patients and they are just a medical problem but he said sometimes it gets the better of him - the worst he said that makes him cringe is dried poo on hairy bottoms:blush: and the worrying one is when he gets a young girl with big boobs and he has to examine them and he says for a micro second his brain thinks oohh breast yum until he goes back to Dr mode:D I think I would have rather no known what he was thinking!