View Full Version : Ladies only! Anxiety & that time of the month.

24-10-09, 11:41
Hi there - mods please move this if I've posted in the wrong place, I am a bit scatty!

I have suffered from heavy and prolonged periods for a number of years and have had various medication and things to try and help. Some do some don't. I have a huge huge fear of blood at the best of times so when it's that time things are a bit hellish for me. But I have noticed at least 10 days before I am due on my anxiety (which is usually high anyway) becomes uncontrollable. I am having back to back panic attacks and I am convinced everyone and everything is out to get me. And by the time my little red friend arrives I am climbing the Walls and I am seriously panicked and almost like a completley different person. I speak a load of rubbish shake continously and even hear and see things that aren't there. By the end of that time of the month I am calmer and I can think and do things a lot better. I am trying to find out if I'm the only one or if hightened anxiety is a problem for others. So I can explain it better to my gynae Dr. Thanks all!
Bubblegum xxx

24-10-09, 12:52
My anxiety akways would get worse around my period, usually starting the week before and lasting until a couple days after. We have such heightened hormones prior to our periods and that is what can cause all the pms symptoms like cramping bloating etc. However some people it can affect much worse than others. A good friend of mine gets so sick before her period she actually has diarrhea and vomitting every time and has to stay in bed.
I would get the high anxiety and it would usually cause my pulse and BP to rise and I would feel as if I was about to jump out of my skin.
There are different forms of the birth control pill that can help with this but if you choose to go a more natural route taking vitamin B6 every day has been proven to lessen the effects that go along with your period.
I just had a hysterectomy and although I have kept my ovaries my anxiety is completely out of control from my hormones being completely confused. I dont now if it makes it harder because I am only 33 or not.
talk to your doc because there are ways to control it!!