View Full Version : Why can i give advice and comfort but not take it?

24-10-09, 12:46
Hi all

I have written a couple of replies to threads recently about mid-cycle spotting and pelvic pain. I have suffered from this for nearly 2 years since the birth of my third child.

I have had clear smears, blood tests and scans and a friend of mine, who is a doctor, has told me how I am so extremely unlikely to have ovarian or uterine cancer because of my age, having had 3 kids, been on the pill (although not now!) etc..

For the last 2 months, I have not suffered with the mid-cycle stuff but this month, it is back. Only tiny amounts of blood (sorry TMI!!) and a bit of pain but definitely there. I am mid-cycle today and have had this for 2 days. I know that it is a hormone imblance, especially from the timing in my cycle but I still worry so much and have started to feel all anxious again. I don't want to feel like this.

25-10-09, 03:01
I understand how you feel when it comes to being able to give rational advice but not being to accept it. I think its just part of the cycle of fear, deep down we know the truth but the "what if's" aka fear won't let us accept it. It's a terrible cycle and hard to break but it can be done! It takes a long time to actually have symptoms from these types of cancer, they are very slow moving. You have had all your exams and test, it would have already been caught before any symptom could rear its head. Spotting between periods is very common and has many simple non threating causes....your reason is hormones and so was mine its Ok. As long as you keep going and getting paps every year, you may just have to accept that this may be an on and off issue and that its harmless.