View Full Version : Sore throats

Cell block H fan
24-10-09, 15:08
I have been relitively HA free for about 2 years now. I put this down to a stressful relationship (didn't have the energy or time to worry about health!) then the fact I started a new job a year ago. Had little niggly things since, like the I.B.S/Ovarian cyst (I think) but as ive had those before I didn't worry, & they passed.
Anyway, last week I started getting jabbing pains in my throat. Last couple of days ive got a full on sore throat. Nothing terrible, doesn't hurt anymore when I swallow than normal. But I would class it as a sore throat. Its one side too. Its not that I haven't had a sore throat before, & its not a Globus, had that before too.
Is it normal to get a sore throat virus but it not be too bad???
I'm 38 & now thinking my smoking has caught up with me & it something nasty :weep: I did hear years ago about a bloke that kept getting sore throats & it turned out to be cancer? How long will throat viruses last for on average? Sorry for the long post..

24-10-09, 19:54
Hello Cell block H fan,

It isn't unusual for throat viruses to hang around for a few weeks. Sometimes when we are feeling run down or tired they can persist on and off for quite a while, it is like a low grade infection, which is difficult to shake off. Gargling with a little warm salty water or tcp can help. Hope you will be feeling better soon.