View Full Version : Help required please.

24-10-09, 15:46
I am after some assistance please - I have posted in the below area and would welcome some help if possible. I am trying to sort my head out. Please see the below post and help if you can.

Many thanks


24-10-09, 16:00
Hi B,

Yes, you sound as though you are really anxious - you have a lot of the symptoms. Lots of the posts on NMP have these symptoms and should help you understand and relax a bit. If you have been struggling on your own and can't get out of the anxiety groove then it might be best if you spoke to your doctor. Not everyone likes to take medication but sometimes it is a temporary crutch that can help you steer into calmer waters. Yes, the symptoms are unpleasant but can do you no harm other than make you more anxious. Try to accept them for the moment and don't fight them. That's when you wind yourself up:yahoo: and make yourself feel worse. Also, you should read Dr. Claire Weeke's books and they will explain why you feel like you do and also explain the way out - acceptance. I hope you feel better soon.

24-10-09, 16:05
Hi Ben, first off when I was reading your post, before I got to the end part I wondered if you had ADHD too. I suffer from mind chatter and mine is because of OCD, I will replay the same thing over in my mind until I can fall asleep. There are nights when my brain would not shut off no matter wat I did and I would stay awake all night with this. Since I am medication phobic I had to learn relaxation techniques. I learned to give myself 10 minutes everynight to let my mind just go as fast as it wanted to and then I would count to 100. It sounds easy but it isnt. When the thoughts start really racing try and count to 100, every time a new thought comes in start the counting over, it takes a while but once you can get the thoughts tapered down your mind can relax. As for the swallowing, it is a nervous habit. Mine was different I thought my throat was always closing so I would cough to make sure it wasnt. I have had the dizziness too, that was the worst for me. Mine was a feeling of leaning to one side all the time. I really had to learn to overcome the fear with this one. I had to make my mind and heart belive together that there wasnt anything wrong with me and fight through it. After a while the fear went away and so did the dizziness. I do agree that you need to slow down and relax sometimes. Being on edge all the time wrecks havoc with your body and makes it hard to fight against the symptoms. Even 10 minutes a day can help. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. You can do this.

24-10-09, 16:24
Hi both. Thanks for the replies. Now I have 2 threads going as others have replied on the other thread I posted! Silly me!
Myra - thanks - I am not against trying medication. I would love to take something to kickstart some improvement.
gtrgrl - thanks for your help. I will re-read your technique and give it a go. Right now I am doing a million things on the computer so will have a go when things are calmer!

Many thanks again. Any help gratefully appreciated.