View Full Version : Pin Prick Rash / Petechaie

24-10-09, 18:47
Hello all.

First post here. Sorry it'll be a long one!

Ive suffered from Health Anxiety for about 2-3 years. Been on Seroxat on and off during that time, had CBT, and just started on Citalopram.

My current concern is about rashes.

It first started when I noticed some blood blotches under the skin on both feet. I looked up online (bad I know) and everything said Leukemia. I had previously had full bloods taken 10 months previous and all were normal.

I suffer with fatigue most of the time (I have a stressful job and busy social life) as well as aches and pains, muscle tension and occasional light headed / dizziness.

This has always been put down to my Anxiety, over the past three years I have seen probably about 10 different doctors, various nurses and frequently spoken to people on NHS Direct (UK service to call for health advice). All whom have told me it is down to Anxiety, and my other symptoms which come and go are of no concern.

I spent a week convinced I had Leukemia (I have previously been convinced I had Lung Cancer, HIV, Skin Cancer, Lupus, Throat Cancer, Brain Tumour amongst other things), and worked myself into a real state. Three separate medical people said it wasn't Leukemia without testing me, but I requested blood tests to be sure. They came back normal.

The blood spots on my feet faded, but have since come back, and I'm always noticing tons of tiny pinprick spots under my skin on my arms, a few on my chest, and some on my legs.

With a normal blood result, I've been ruled out of it being cancer / leukemia, I also feel fine in myself (no new or worsening symptoms).

Just everytime I noticed these pinprick spots it seems more and more are appearing, and I'm wondering if it's something undetected.

I had another HIV test done the other day, even though i've not really put myself at any real risk.

I'd be grateful if you could share your thoughts, experiences, similar symptoms etc.

I have read a few posts about the Petechaie rash being common, and benign in some people, but I've just got it in my head, there is something going on with my blood, despite everything coming back normal.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Chris x

24-10-09, 18:57
Hi Chris

I have these spots too and have had for years hun.
Please don't worry as they are nothing to worry about and certainly don't indicate serious health issues!!

Take care

24-10-09, 19:45
I've got them too and i've had 9 blood tests in the last 4 months :) all normal so it's gotta be nothing to worry about, so now u can try and relax ;)

24-10-09, 20:09
Thanks guys.

It's just weird that they have suddenly come on more recently. I've always had a few. Maybe i'm just noticing them, because I don't think i've ever looked so closely at my skin on my arms and legs.

Anything new I notice sends me into a panic, even though I know with the blood tests and physical health, I shouldn't have to worry.

Does anyone else get these spots? And do they keep appearing?

Most have turned into brown freckles, others are bright red, but all tiny and under the skin.


24-10-09, 22:26
I noticed those pin pricks on me years ago! So NOW I know it's normal.
aw hope you feel better x

25-10-09, 00:43
Lol, I've got them on my feet and have myself convinced I've got Leukemia also. Got my blood test results and apparently there is "nothing significant", not sure what that means but the doctor is going to talk to me on monday. Anyway, my doctor seems to think they are more common than the internet leads you to believe. She says if you are prone to getting them, all it takes is a rub on the surface of the skin to cause them to appear.

Loads of people I know claim to have them as well, which is funny as when you search on the internet all it screams is "BLOOD DISORDER".

25-10-09, 11:31
Thanks for your posts guys. It's always good to know that you aren't the only one going through something. Even though it's still really nasty.

Every time I spot something new, I panic, even though my results were clear.

A lot of people seem to have them, but just every health site stresses how serious they are, and rarely mention the more common fact that they can appear for no reason or for benign reasons.

I first had them on my feet, and have blotches which come and go, which really freaked me out.

Going to see a dermatologist in a week or so, so will mention them then, but I guess I can relax a little that I'm not dying of anything serious.

Would be interested to know if anyone else has them, and their experiences..


28-10-09, 16:02
Anyone else get these?

More seem to be coming up on my arms all the time. I'm seeing a Dermatologist on Tuesday.

I noticed some on my feet before my blood tests, which made me go to the Doctor, but seen lots more on my arms (the more I look) and worried that the blood tests missed something.

Would it have been obvious if something was going on?

I feel fine in myself (no weight loss, tiredness, headaches, vomiting, fever etc), but still in my head I'm worried about Leukemia and Cancer etc.

Would appreciate any replies

Chris x

28-10-09, 16:19
sounds like normal skin to be honest.

do you blush a lot?

28-10-09, 16:33
Not really, but I am very fair skinned, and get lots of things come up on my skin, lots of bites, and stuff as well.

I'm trying to tell my mind it isn't Leukemia, but I don't see why all these things would come up so noticeably over the last couple of weeks if it wasn't something serious.

I've heard with Leukemia (generally) that you would progress to feeling worse quite quickly and be very ill.

I otherwise feel fine, but these pin prick spots really bother me. Especially as I find new one's all the time.

I found a new red blotch on my arm today and totally freaked out. It's probably just a bite or something, but really worried it's more signs of Leukemia.

Am I being irrational? Would I feel worse than I did when I found the spots if I had Leukemia (I first noticed the spots about 2 weeks ago, though have had some previously)

My Platelets and White Blood Count were normal, which I keep telling myself, but worried that it was something undetected.

Should I wait to see my Dermatologist until Tuesday and try and ignore it until then. I'm desperately trying to stop myself from running to the hospital right now.. :(

Would appreciate some thoughts :(

Chris x

28-10-09, 17:48
Maybe some kind of allergy? Perhaps the formulation of your soap, lotion, or shampoo has changed, or you've eaten something different, or maybe just the change in the weather is making you more sensitive?

28-10-09, 22:50
Hey, I have gotten these on and off for years, but with my anxiety I actually did use to worry quite a bit about them. With your blood results, it would be very unusual if you had any kind of leukemia, because if it was affecting you with bruising, that would show up in a simple blood test. Also, I am on citalopram too, and when I started that, I got a lot more of these little pin prick bruises. Turns out a lot of anti ds thin your blood, it's not dangerous or anything, it's not even listed as a side effect, and your doctor won't even tell you about it usually, but it is definitely true. So that has affected me, and I know now not to worry. Also, even the tiniest amount of aspirin will thin your blood and cause these bruises. I have to take a lot of aspirin, and I looked like I was getting beat up, and those little tiny red dots everywhere! I went to a homeopath and was told that vitamin K really helps when you have to take anything that thins the blood. I have been taking it ever since, and almost never bruise easily or get the patechaie anymore!
Hope this helps.

05-11-09, 18:21

Over the last couple of weeks Ive noticed these red dots along my inner thighs and knee area, they spread quite a lot a couple of days ago and I rang NHS Direct (Im also a total hypochondriac) and they suspected that because ive felt chilly and had diarrhea (sorry, too much info I know..) that it was probably just the result of a virus Id picked up. I went to the doctor today and he took a lot of blood for testing, due to the fact I have felt a few different symptoms and was bruising a little more than usual and just didnt feel right. He said that there is a virus going around Glasgow just now which has resulted in effecting bone marrow working 100% just for a 4-8weeks, which in turn effects platelet production, but that this wasn't overly serious. He said there were a lot of non-serious things it could be, but also he has to take blood to rule out the more serious.

I know how you feel, Ive totally been stressing out and Im never looking on Google again for symtpoms because everything says HIV, Leukimia, Lupus, Cancer and other nasty things etc etc. I even managed to freak out I had HIV despite routinely being tested months ago, getting the all clear and not even seeing anyone new since then. The mind is a very powerful tool and I have managed in the past to totally imagine symptoms which feel very real at the time.

I think these forums are really good as they can provide comfort that someone else has similar symptoms which resulted in nothing serious, but an equal amount of people come out with diseases which they've had but this doesnt mean you have the same, Ive seen some forums which people try to diagnose you over the screen and its just not feasible. If the doctor doesnt know without a blood test then people online wont. Always go to the doctor if you are worried because that's what they're there for, and they aren't going to turn you away. Similar symptoms may mean many different things so just go get it checked out.

I am due to get my results on Monday 16th and I will try to come on here and let you know the verdict...if there is any. But nomatter what my verdict is, it doesnt mean it will be the same for you, so always get checked out.

Sorry for my rant, trying to take my mind off it and use my worry constructively

All the best everyone xx

05-11-09, 23:22
Hey there.

Thanks for all your posts. I'm still seeing lots of them, all my bloods are clear, and HIV test was clear. Had about 5 lots of blood taken now, for literally everything possible, and all is clear.

Finally went to a different hospital last night, and managed to get them to refer me to a Rheumotologist (sp?), who deal with the immune system issues. Have had tests before all negative, but they can study and prod me about a bit, to see if anything is going on, which will help me get over it.

Saw a Dermatologist too, who said they were nothing to be concerned about. So, I guess I should stop worrying and see what comes from my referral, if anything.

Let me know how you get on.

06-11-09, 11:00
Hopefully if your tests come back fine again your mind will be put at rest. Im hoping its just stressing about it is making me feel unwell and if all your tests come back negative maybe it will be that case for you. My boyfriends face once got really swollen like a balloon and he went to the dentist because he thought it might be an abscess, turned out she see's it all the time and it was actually just because he had a lot of work on and stuff and his body reacted in that way because of the anxiety and stress he was going through at that time. So the body does strange things for no reason because of what we're thinking. But I guess you never realli do know until you get checked out. Its the fact my hands are pure cold and feel realli tight at night and sometimes during the day, maybe its a circulation thing that's the problem... who knows, there are so many things it could be. O well not long to wait to find out! Roll on next monday.

All the best, and dont stress out, have you maybe talked to your mates btw? Maybe go out let your hair down and take your mind off it? Ive noticed that I feel much better when Im around people because its not on my mind.

06-11-09, 11:51
chris your ok stop worrying we have talked before

06-11-09, 12:50
I'm amazed you've had these referrals. You have to be on your last legs where I am to get a referral. Good on you.

06-11-09, 13:16
Yeah I was amazed too, but I went to a really good hospital, and got seen by a really great Doctor, who actually listened to all I had to say. So, I'll stop worrying about things until I see him, and then I know i'm in good hands at least. But all really nasty things have been ruled out at least. x

06-11-09, 13:32
scabies can cause a reactionary rash elsewhere in the body sometimes. the skin can react to the mite's droppings and cause a rash which is harmless.

06-11-09, 13:46
Ah it's not that, i've been seen by a Dermatologist, who said it's nothing to worry about. But I'm being seen by a Rheumotologist, so I can rule out any auto-immune problems x

06-11-09, 15:17
How difficult is it to see a rheumatologist?

I have Raynauds and I'm not sure if it's primary or secondary.

06-11-09, 15:27
Well I got referred from A&E after going to a different hospital. He said if it helped me draw a line under it, then he would refer me, as I said I wasn't having any luck with my Dr.

I think it's pretty much unheard of, but he said if he was my GP he would have referred me to help my concerns.

Will probably take a long time, but at least I can get to see one.

06-11-09, 16:26
Sorry bout my lack of knowledge here, but What is it that the rheumatologist will do that won't have been detected in blood tests? I dont really know what my doc is testing for,so was just wanting to ask you so that if nothing comes back in the blood next week I can maybe ask him about other options.


06-11-09, 16:46
Well, they deal with auto-immune diseases. Stuff like Lupus (which is hard to diagnose), diseases affecting the muscles, joints, etc.

They can look at the immune system as a whole, and how the body is functioning.

The person I saw said it was very unlikely that anything was going on, but if it was, they would be the people who could find it, and help me with it. At the moment, i'm willing to take anything just to rule out other conditions or to at least get an experts opinion.


06-11-09, 19:53
So will that sorta stuff not come up in blood tests then no?


09-11-09, 20:31
Well I rang the doctors and they got the test results back... everything was ok. The blood tests included liver function, blood count, thrombo - something or other and thyroid. So Ive just to go in and discuss this with the doctor next week... Definitely relieved, doesnt stop the fact theyre still there but Im sure the doc will let me know of any other possibilities when I see him next week. Phew :) xx

09-11-09, 20:46
That's good. I'm just ignoring mine at the moment.

Let me know what is said.

09-11-09, 22:33
awww well im sure yours is totally fine. Im actually worried again sayin as its gotten worse tonight - arrgh. so annoying. Its been in my head that its lyme disease because I have a suspicion that that the original rash I had,and still have- a round large spreading ring/ circle may not have been fungal, and was actually a lyme disease rash. Im only concerned with this because its still getting bigger and has a darker red dot in the middle of the large red circle. It started off as about 1 cm, not its sbout 8-10cm wide. About 6 weeks ago I was waist deep in thick grass and hedges in the countryside and could easily have been bitten by a tick. Now smaller rings are appearing on my legs as well as the other dots, but they look totally different. It seems these petechiae can be a side effect of that too.......

I think its too much of a coincidence that this ring shaped rash occurs, then chills, fever, feeling out of it, stiffness, sore back etc etc, and now these petechiae things. Im certain theyre all related. Im never ill, nor am I ever freaking out about being ill, but I know theres summin not right, suppose I can only wait to my visit to the docs for the check up to see. But Ill come back on to discuss.

If any one knows anything about lyme etc etc please leave a comment. Researched it on web (i know - shocking) and it does look so similar. And the big circular rash is most definitely not in my head.


12-11-09, 10:20
Did you get any luck with your petechaie? I'm still getting them, so might mention it again to the Hospital tomorrow. Just annoying really that they still keep cropping up.


12-11-09, 10:37
how are you today i think there is more to your problems than health you worry so much when everyone says your ok so it must be deep down causing these problems your such a great guy i feel for you how your photography

12-11-09, 12:57

well Im just back from the doctors there, and Ive been put on tablets for lyme disease. Will take 7-10days for the blood test to come back for them but my doc wanted to put me on antibiotics anyway.
The reason for thinking it was lyme disease isnt just because of the petechiae, so Im sure lyme disease is not the problem you have. Its because I had a circular rash that was diagnosed as ringworm, but turns out this may have actually been the spot where a tick has bitten me. This rash appeared about 3 weeks after I had been hiking up in the hills round scotland, wasnt itchy or anything. The I got chills, mild fever, pins and needles and backache, and other sort of wee circluar rings on my leg. The doc also said these pin prick dots could be caused by lyme disease so it would make sense. But if your only experiencing the dots its highly highly unlikely that lyme is the issue with you. More have appeared on my arms but hoping theyl go away once im on medication. He said all my bloods were fine, but that the original tests didnt test for specific diseases. I know lyme is very hard to test for but hopefully itl come back positive so it will put an end to it.

Has anyone given u a proper answer to what could be wrong? I know its annoying when they wont explain why it could be happening. Could anxiety cause them, if so maybe that would be the issue....im no doctor though. Let me know how you get on, Im sure your absolutely fine!! :)

Take care

22-11-09, 13:19
Hey there.
Only just seen your reply.

Still no news. Seeing a rheumotologist on the 21st December, so will see if anything is going on there, going to try and go back to the Dermatologist as well, as they are still coming up on my arms, but not really anywhere else.

All my blood tests are clear, and feel otherwise fine, it's weird.

Have you got your results yet?


23-11-09, 23:50
HI Chris,

No still waiting...... itll be 2 weeks on thursday since I had the test so Im hoping tomo because they did say itd only be 10 days latest.....All my symptoms have gone except the pin prick dots. I have seen these appear on me all my life, maybe three in a cluster when Ive scratched myself and maybe once a year Ive noticed them. But when I scratch myself now its like millions appear, and I dont even have to have scratched myself for them to come up...but we'll see about the Lymes thing first and then Ill ask the doc if it could be anything else....Im hating being stuck on antibiotics but I hope they give me a good few weeks more on them which I think they will as I had pretty much all the symptoms of lymes.

Are yours still pretty prominent?

24-11-09, 13:03
Ah ok, let me know how it goes.

They are barely noticeable but I am always finding new ones. Just on my arms though. I have a few on my chest and legs, but they don't develop, it's just the tiny tiny ones on my arms that I find more of. Almost not noticeable at all.

My Dermatologist said they will just appear, and are quite common, and said they weren't related to any other disorder if all my blood work was fine. As have numerous other people said that.

I've got the Rheumotology appointment on the 21st December, so I'm going to wait for that, and see what comes of it.


26-11-09, 23:41
Hey Chris,

Went to the docs today to get more antibiotics...my lyme tests still arent back. ARGH. thats been over 2 weeks, the doc was confused as to why they hadnt been returned. But anyhoo's got more blood taken today. He had another look at the pin prick rash and said 'they do look rather odd' Plus Ive got quite a few bruises....but he said my blood was fine last time and was just taking some more to see if anything has changed..... I asked him if the blood comes back fine is there anything else that could be causing the rash and bruising and he said 'nothing I can think of'. Is this accurate tho?.. because I know u mentioned the rheumotologist..? He is a very nice and helpful doctor so I know he wont mind me probing it further. Should I ask about further possibilities?


27-11-09, 00:54

Sorry you are still waiting for results.

I went back to my Doctor, and showed him, and he said he really didn't think it was anything (i've now had three lots of full blood tests done over the last month or so) and I went to the hospital again today, to just speak to them about it. One of the GPs said it wasn't anything worrying, but got a senior Dr in to get a second opinion, the second doctor also said they were nothing to worry about, and not to obsess about them.

She said they would only be concerned if I was covered in them, and they were very obvious, and associated with other symptoms, so she said to just ignore them, and if they keep appearing to see a Dermatologist (I already have, and he said they were nothing to worry about too)

It's just so annoying when I keep finding new one's all the time.

Do you keep finding more?

I've been told by at least 5 different people now, ranging from nurses to dermatologists that they aren't serious, but, my mind can't seem to stop thinking about them (especially when it's something I can see all the time)

I am seeing a rheumotologist on the 21st December, as they are sometimes associated with auto-immune diseases, so you could mention it, but I know that my Doctor wouldn't have referred me (the hospital did to calm me down!) as the blood tests were normal, and the Dermatologist wasn't concerned at all.

At least we are sort of in the same boat.

Let me know how you get on. I'm going to try and put it out of my mind until the Rheumotology appointment, unless loads more sprout up, then i'll ask to see the Dermatologist again (have you seen one? they may have some more ideas, or like mine just say it's nothing and you can be a little more re-assured)

Sorry for the rambling post!

Chris xx

27-11-09, 01:17
Hi. My daughter moved house recently and started to itch with rashes on her feet, arms and neck. The doc gave her steroid cream and told her it was Petechaie. He said it was nothing to worry about, maybe had come on due to the stress from moving, having a non-sleeping baby and returning to work after maternity leave. He also mentioned the possibility of an allergy and said he'd refer her for tests if it continued.

She now lives opposite a timber yard. I went over and asked if they had machines cutting timber or used chemicals to treat it. I was told that a girl in their office suffered the same. We spoke to her. She was using steroid cream and had already had allergy tests. She had been told it was from the wood dust in the yard. Seems it is the same for my daughter as she is OK when the weather is wet and the dust is damped down. So it is a nuisance, but nothing critical to worry about.

I hope this reassures you :hugs:

27-11-09, 11:45
Sounds like something different. Petechaie don't itch, and they are under the skin. Wouldn't of thought this was the same thing.

Thanks for the reply though x

27-11-09, 12:43
god 8 years ago i noticed on my left food freckl like blotch..after a few years it continued in patches and dots over the area of my foot..always to scared to go to docs..i now have it on my right foot but it fades and then pops back..well ive had it 8 yrs and dont now what it is ..feel better knowing im not alone...:)

27-11-09, 13:12
Yeah I definitely dont think that was petechiae as they dont itch at all and are caused my blood capillaries near the skin bursting and releasing a bit of blood.

Trev Im sure if you've had it for so long with no problems its nothing to worry about. It might be an idea to go to the docs anyway just to get a blood count done. They can appear for loads of reasons eg. medication such as warfarin or aspirin, an allergic reaction to something or trauma to the area etc etc. At least if you find out whats causing it it might prevent it happening again, and it can settle your mind that nothing else is wrong :)

Take care

28-11-09, 12:18
Hope it's okay to butt in.

I do have a blood problem called thrombocytopenia which means I have a low platelet count. But I see that all blood counts came back fine.

Just asking if they have done a blood clotting time test for you?

Reason I ask is that some meds may not lower platelets, but they can affect how they clot which could cause petechea. Not all meds do this, but some are well known for it.

28-11-09, 12:24

Yes I had a blood clotting test done a few weeks ago at A&E, which came back normal.


28-11-09, 17:11
Oh that's good then. Have you gone down the allergy route?

My friends daughter is dealing with the same rash (pin pricks). The dermatologist was not that helpful, apart from to say it seemed allergy related and did give her antihistamines and two other meds. She has a dog and is wondering if she may be allergic to the dog right now.

The problem with rashes, is that it's a case of eliminating possible;e offenders (if it is allergy based) and that takes time.

Hope you get some answers soon. Take care.

28-11-09, 17:26

No its not an allergic thing with me. I could be wrong but I dont know if allergies cause bleeding under the skin.I think a drug allergy might ... but Im not sure .... This rash isnt above the skin, its below, red at first and then the dots go a brown colour because its older blood. The dots are blood under the skin and dont blanche under a glass. I dont know if we'r talking about two different rashes maybe..The doc suspects it may be down to my suspected lyme disease. I might just have to put it down to that just now and if they still appear a few weeks after Ive finished my treatment I'll ask him if its anything to be concerned with. But he said my bloods were all fine so we'll see what happens. Ive got quite a lot of bruising, but Ive always bruised like a peach even when I havent hit myself on anything. But then my platelets and liver function etc were all ok. Ill update as soon as Ive got my results for the second blood test and the lymes.
I hope your daughters rash gets sorted soon :)

Take care

29-11-09, 01:51
I went to A&E today (two different hospitals!). Got bloods done at the second hospital (since more of the spots have been appearing, and I was feeling unwell), everything was completely normal, so it's really weird, going to speak to my Dr again on Monday about that and other issues.

Let me know if you get any luck.

29-11-09, 21:31
aw Im sorry to hear you had to go to A & E. Did they give you an explanation? Like did they say that its just one of those things and that sometimes it just happens even when there's nothing wrong?

Take care

Miss Alissa
29-11-09, 21:57

I have exactly the same thing and spent a good few months freaking out about them a while back - I'm also v pale so every tiny little dot shows very clearly on my skin - plus, once you see one of these things you suddenly notice them everywhere!

Spoke to my dermatologist about them, she says they're completely normal - just dilated blood vessels sitting closer to the skin. Mine are blood red tiny pin pricks which sometimes fade to look like little freckles over time. Mostly over my upper arms but if I look closely I can see hundreds and hundreds of the buggers. Apparently they're very common - and particularly common in young women or those on the pill - both of which I am!

If it was Leukemia you'd really know about it. You're feeling worse because you have health anxiety and its favourite thing is to torment you with physical symptoms that back up your fears.

Hope you feel better soon.


30-11-09, 00:13
Hey Linda / Alissa.

The hospital said they weren't widespread enough and visible enough to be illness related, and the fact that all my bloods were clear, and I was physically well, they weren't concerned.

They said people can just get them, and they are quite common, so, they said unless I started to get massive dark bruises, or a sudden surge of these spots then, they were fine. They said I could get another blood test to make sure nothing had changed, which I did, and all was normal.

I saw a Dermatologist too Alissa and he said it was just tiny haemorrhages under the skin, and very common, as people get into their 20s, 30s etc and the body / skin changes.

I'm going to ask to see the Dermatologist again as I've got a fair few more of them, to see if he thinks anything different, and i'm seeing a Rheumotologist on the 21st Dec, so, will see what happens.

Thanks for your replies

30-11-09, 03:34

That has definitely reassured me that its common for girls and people my age to get them as Im 23. Chris Im a little worried after you mentioning the bruising, as I have about7 or 8 bruises over me and they range in size from a 10p piece to about 5 or 6 10p pieces.......why would this be a worry? I cant remember banging myself on anything but Ive had reali bad bruising for the last 2 months, round about the time this rash and everything else started.

All my bloods were fine also, would this not rule out any issues eg leukimia etc? I have always bruised easily, but usually only after a night out and I always put it down to drunkenly bumping into things, but since september I havent realli been drunk at all because Ive felt unwell and because Ive been on antibiotics and the bruising has actually gotten a lot worse in this time..... Little bitty concerned now....


30-11-09, 12:13
Hey Linda
Sorry, didn't mean to worry you! The Dr said that to me, mainly because of Leukemia, as that is the common warning sign, however if you have had blood tests and they are all normal, then you don't need to worry about that, and your Dr would have seen them and assessed it already, so don't panic :)

My ex bruised really easily, and I worried it was all sorts of things, but it turned out to just be something she had, and all her results etc were normal. Girls do generally bruise easier than guys, and all sorts of other factors.

I'll let you know how I get on at the Dr today.

Take care, and don't stress :)

30-11-09, 12:22
Hi Chris,

Phew, thats ok then I thought maybe it could have been something that the bloods didnt test for or something. I thought maybe my bruising on my legs had something to do with running maybe, because when I go running I get loads on my legs, but the trainers at my gym dont seem to recognise that as being a common issue, plus I get them occasionally on my arms too. Well good luck at the Docs today :)


01-12-09, 23:57
Hey just a wee update from me...

all my bloods came back clear again which is great :) So just waiting on my lyme results but the girl on reception said it cud b 10 weeks in total b4 theyre back. But I finish my antibiotics on thursday so I am going to celebrate that theres nothing wrong , with my regular blood tests anyway ....(i hope....) with a few glasses of wine.I just hope 3 weeks of antibiotics is enough time to get rid of the lymes if I did have it. Ive read it can take longer.....but hopefully not.

Take care

02-12-09, 00:13
Hey Linda
Thanks for the update. Glad all was good with your bloods. Let me know about the Lyme test. I've never mentioned that to my Dr, but then i've never had those rashes, so I think it's unlikely.

Let me know if you get any news.


02-12-09, 00:43

Well the circular rash does only occur a third of the time but I highly doubt yours has anything to do with Lymes, because he said that the petechaie wouldnt be a common symptom of it but it might explain y it was there. It was my other symptoms which led to the idea that it could be lymes. I had a whole heap of visible and non visible symptoms at the time the circular rash appeared. So I would say if you didn't have other symptoms that Lymes is highly doubtful in your case. Ive sent my surgery an email about maybe having a 4th week of antibiotics, bcoz the recommended treatment period is 2-4weeks and Ive only had 3. Would rather have to lay off the wine for another week and make sure its totally outta my system. So Ill c what my GP says.


17-12-09, 18:53
Any luck with your blood test results Linda? Did you get your Lyme tests back?

I'm still noticing more of these, and more came up on my foot today, really annoying.

I have been getting bug bites for a while (bed bugs I think) was wondering maybe i'm getting a reaction to the bites causing the spots, as they seem to come and go around similar times. Not sure though. My skin has always been sensitive.

Got a Rheumotology appointment on Monday, so i'll mention it then too. May try and see the out of hours Dr over the weekend too.

I've been told it's not a liver problem, not Leukemia, unlikely auto-immune (but getting that ruled out), not a platelet problem, unlikely to be medication (as I started those after I got them), and have been told it's nothing to worry about, but I keep finding them all the time. Mostly on my upper arms.

Showed them to the Dr at the hospital last week who said the presentation on the arms and so small is not significant and doesn't point towards any disease, but, really confused.

If these would just go away or stop appearing I might be able to relax, but i'm constantly worrying why they have started appearing, and why I keep finding more all over my arms and feet.


23-04-17, 18:05
did you ever find out what they are?