View Full Version : Alcohol

24-10-09, 19:08
Hi all just wondering if any of you guys experience this as well. Last nite i had quite a lot to drink and today my anxiety is through the roof. palpitation's lump in throat and this has been going on all day . Anyone experience the same thing ? Starting to freak out a bit.

24-10-09, 19:56
Yeah i can't really drink anymore as i either get really anxious or really depressed the next day or both lol.

You'll find alot of people on here get the same.

24-10-09, 20:01
Yeah that's me finished will the drink .Cant stand this .


Veronica H
24-10-09, 20:02
Afraid this is common with anxiety. It should pass today though. Try not to add fear to it, at least you know why your anxiety is up at the moment.:bighug1:


24-10-09, 20:20
I think when you depress your central nervous system with alcohol, you get an equal and opposite reaction the next day when it overcompensates, and that could be causing your anxiety.

24-10-09, 21:01
Hi Irish

I had a really bad blip after stabilising on my AD after a heavy drinking session. I think one or two drinks is okay, but excess is really bad news. I know it's nice to go out and have a few, esspecially when you're feeling well. But it's just not worth the potential consequences. Steer clear.

However my blip only lasted a few days. you should feel better soon.

wishing u peace and solice


24-10-09, 21:09
Thanks everyone . I would be lost without the advice and comfort i get on this site .


24-10-09, 21:31
I find that if i have a hangover the day after drinking, I get stressed abot it and thats when my anxiety gets bad. I still drink though (I'm a stdent, its my job), I do however drink less and my friend introduced my to srinking rehydration sachets at the end of the night. It just means that you are rehydrated so you wont feel so bad the day after. had a party last night, drank probably just short of a bottle of white wine (alot I know, and usally lethal for me) but i felt fine today.

Worth a shot if you dont want to give up drinking xx

24-10-09, 22:13
aw your Irish too, so guessing you had a fair amount to drink!!!
me too, I get heart palpitations so after drinking my hearts always races.
if you smoke way too much when you drink, it does speed up your heart.
maybe drink lots of water, fruit juice and take a multivitamin.
also when you drink try to drink a sugary drink in between the alcoholic drinks.
sorry to hear your not feeling so good today.

24-10-09, 22:16
Yes me too, when I drink too much alcohol the next day or even during the night, I will wake panicky feeling totally awful my nerves are bad all my anxietys are so much worse..why oh why do I drink that devil juice wine, I really should have learned my lesson by now...