View Full Version : numb HEAVY legs

24-10-09, 21:02
does anyone ever feel like they cant walk, its hard to explain. When I wake up in the morning I feel like my legs are numb and heavy, like jelly. I start to panic because I feel paralysed from the waist down, especially in my calf muscles and when i stand up i feel like i have to force my legs to move like a robot. Its been happening every morning and im too scared to get out of bed. I know it sounds really weird but its scaring me so much and the doctor cant find anything wrong. They feel like lead and I have to keep pinching them to make sure i can still feel them. HELP PLEASE:weep:

24-10-09, 22:03
never had numb legs unless I sat down for too long. I get weak shaky legs though

24-10-09, 22:19
seriously i've had this badly over the past couple of months and its doing my head in, i feel weak and pathetic and really fatigued and have been panicing about what could be wrong with me, mostly pain in my calfs, doc says nothing's wrong with me either, i have been spending most my time curled up awkwardly on an office type chair at the computer recently but the past 3-4 days i've been a fair bit more active, for the first 2 days they hurt more but the past 2 days its gone so im thinking it's probably down to being inactive, how active are you ????

24-10-09, 22:21
Hi there
Cant say ive had actually numb legs..but I know what you mean by feeling like you cant walk, its almost like an effort to put one leg infront of the other..my legs have been really paining me for a few months...Ive no idea what ive done I try to exercise now and then (when the mood takes me) although never in my life suffered like I am at the moment..just had loads of blood tests and am sure if there was anything awful it would have shown in the blood test..I think for you, it is anxiety related as anxiety makes our brains not think logically..for me I think I need a new bed...take care and try not to worry xx