View Full Version : Itchy throat making me choke...?

24-10-09, 21:13
Hi, for the last couple of days I haven't felt quite myself. I suspect I have come down for some sort of throat infection.

Right now I have a horrible itchy sensation at the back of my throat. My nose also feels blocked up, and at times I am struggling for breath because the itch gets so bad.

First of all, am I right in thinking this isn't as harmful as I think? And does anybody know any remedies for this sort of itchy throat?

I have drunk some warm milk and eaten some yoghurt, and I have some Strepsils standing by. I'm just worried the itch is gonna get so bad I can't control it and am gonna pass out from lack of air. :(

24-10-09, 21:18
The last time I had a sore throat, was just after I had some chest pain, and a lingering cough, so all my health anxiety got me thinking I had lung or throat cancer, despite not smoking.

Once I realised I was being irrational, I took some cough sweets "Tyrozets" which I found amazing, and within two days it had gone.

Coughs, colds, sore throats, congestion is all really common, and any "normal" person would think nothing of it, but to us anxiety sufferers it's another thing to worry about.

You'll be fine. Give it a week, two weeks, and i'm sure all will be normal again.

Chris x

24-10-09, 21:41
The last time I had a sore throat, was just after I had some chest pain, and a lingering cough, so all my health anxiety got me thinking I had lung or throat cancer, despite not smoking.

Once I realised I was being irrational, I took some cough sweets "Tyrozets" which I found amazing, and within two days it had gone.

Coughs, colds, sore throats, congestion is all really common, and any "normal" person would think nothing of it, but to us anxiety sufferers it's another thing to worry about.

You'll be fine. Give it a week, two weeks, and i'm sure all will be normal again.

Chris x

Thank you, Chris. I hate to ask, because I'm used to people scoffing at me and getting impatient. I'm just trying not to become dependent on other people's reassurance, although I think I needed it this time.

The warm milk did some good, the itch has gone down. :)

24-10-09, 21:43
That's ok. A little re-assurance is very comforting.

I've always been told it's not good for long term anxiety relief, but I think when you know you aren't suffering alone it certainly helps.

I posted on here earlier, and have spoken to NHS Direct today (not that they were much help) but knowing you aren't in any danger is good to know.

Best Wishes

24-10-09, 22:26
I had that awful sore itching throat for a couple of days..its horrible because it makes you feel anxious..I recommend lots of warm drinks, eg..hot lemon with honey as this soothes the throat, hopefully this will help you. It will pass so please dont worry, just a cold in the throat thats all..take care x