View Full Version : Blood glucose test results - please help

24-10-09, 22:07
I had a routine blood test last wek as I have high cholesterol (controlled by statins) and stage 3 chronic kidney disease. This morning I got a letter asking me to return to the surgery for a fasting glucose blood test - I am terrified i now have diabetes on top of everything else or something worse like pancreatic cancer. I cant tell you how bad i feel - i have rung the out of hours doctors begging to be sedated - all they gave me was 2mg of diazepam - i took 4 and it had absolutley no effect at all -i just cant carry on - I dont know how to carry on till Monday and have thought about ringing samaritans I feel so desperate. I cant take much more of this constant fear i live in. Anyone else been in a situation like this

24-10-09, 23:03
I am so sorry you are dealing with so much. I have never been in your shoes but I can imagine that it must be very very scary and hard. Diabetes is not a fun disease but is very manageable. The chances of it being your pancreas without having ALOT of pain and other symptoms are very slim. They might have just decided that you should have a fasting test, my doctor has me to them every 6 months or so because I had gestational diabetes while pregnant. As hard as it is try not to think worse case scenerio, think positive that your number is going to be great and that will be something that you can rule out as a problem. If it turns out that it is a problem then you can deal with it then. With your other conditions stress is not going to make things any better.
Lots of hugs to you and I hope everything turns out ok.

25-10-09, 09:55
Thank you for your reassurance - I am trying to think positive thoughts but not doing very well - I just can't wait for it to be tomorrow so at least I can find out more - the weekends are so hard to get through when you cant discuss things with your doctor. Once again, thanks.