View Full Version : feeling of dread???

25-10-09, 00:20
Does anyone get a feeling of total dread.......like something really bad is going to happen, or in my case like im waiting for a really pain, or im going to collapse.......or just die.
Ive had this horrible feeling for a few days now and its starting to affect everything i do, its scary and nasty.
Just wondered if i was alone with this feeling?????

Debs x

25-10-09, 00:31
I used get that a lot. I would always think of the worst case scenario . but wat i think is the worst that can happen usually never does.

Cell block H fan
25-10-09, 06:46
I wake up every morning with this at the moment. I know i'm being real negative, but I keep thinking what have we got to look forward to, the chances are we will get sick, have to go into hospital with people we dont know, then die in pain. How daft is that! But thats reality to me?
Ive now got this sore throat & i'm thinking if it goes away soon (which I cant imagine happening!) then I wil definately quit smoking for good. On a clean slate. But at the moment i'm too stressed & keep thinking whats the point because its only gonna turn out ive got something nasty, & the stress will have me starting again!
When I was young I kinda knew smoking would get me in the end, now i'm 38, I feel that time is now. I didn't have kids back then, so didn't look ahead! Wish I had.

Cell block H fan
25-10-09, 08:03
this is how Ive been feeling lately and I keep crying. I want to go back to how I use to be...I have a huge fear of dying young, never having a child, leaving my husband behind :( Even some of the posts on here scare me, I panic everytime I hear about diseases, even for commercials on cancer or anything medical...I just want to shut it all out.

Know what you mean, I'm not even going to think of opening that thread titled Leukemia :lac:

25-10-09, 09:58
I feel like this all the time too, often it strats because of some actual health worry and then spirals out of control or if theres no particular health worry, I feel generally uneasy like something is just around the corner - i know just how you feel and its not nice

25-10-09, 11:39
Hi all,
Thank you for replying.............so glad im not the only one who thinks like this, kinda thought i was going abit crazy with this horrible feeling.
Take care one and all,
Debs x

25-10-09, 11:42
Yep i get this a lot, especially prior to my period, its like that is what anxiety is to me now, it used to take a different form and now its like this. It does get me down, very down, at the moment im convinced something terrible is going to happen to me and im gonna leave my husband and child behind. Im gonna go back and redo the living life to the full course on line, i found that helped me last time.

Also yesterday it got so bad that i went back to the health food store and bought passiflora and lemon balm tea bags, and by last night i felt slightly less scared.

i know you feel bad now, but if you can force yourself to do something, just the smallest step to doing something positive then i know that it will subside for you.

i hope your okay

hugs to you