View Full Version : Have Ijust had a MASSIVE panic attack?

25-10-09, 01:47
Was just sitting here browsing on my lapt top when a strange feeling came over mychest. My heart rate went up but has now come down again. However, my whole body feels like its in spams. Been like this for an hour.

Muscles trembling all over.

Is this normal?

25-10-09, 01:03
are you still anxious? When I get anxious I shake and have muscle spams.
once I start I find it takes much deep breathing, concentration and pure will to stop.
it's like a cycle, you got anxious, adrenaline causes your body to shake, that scares you and cause more anxiety.
try having a cup of tea or doing anything you enjoy or find calming.

25-10-09, 01:59
I would say it sounds like a panic attack for sure. When I have big ones, I tend to feel weird for the rest of the day. Almost like I have small attacks one after another,.

25-10-09, 02:30
This sounds completely normal to me, it takes awhile for your body to calm down after a panic attack. When I have an attack I too stay anxious for the rest of the day sometimes longer and my body will feel weird. Its OK your completely normal.

25-10-09, 05:56
I have had this happen. Uncontrollable shaking/spasming. It's awful but it does go away. I have Ativan for when things get that bad and that helps a ton.

25-10-09, 10:35
Thanks guys. I managed to sleep in the end. It took a couple of hours before the muscle trambling subsided.

This morning i feel buzzed and whole body feels tense.

I just dont understand it. There I was watching tv, just about to go to bed & my chest started feeling tight & my whole body started trembling. I just couldnt stop it.

I thought maybe something was wrong, but then i realised it MUST be anxiety but wasn't sure. Ive never had it before.

Im so upset by this and im wondering if it will happen again tonight.

25-10-09, 11:49
If you anticipate it happening tonight, chances are much greater it will. Try really hard not to think about it at all, stay busy, then have a relaxing evening without it crossing your mind. Remember how powerful our minds are, if you think about it enough it will cause you anxiety to rise thus leaving you at a greater risk of it happening again.