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View Full Version : Whats it all about ??????

Desprate Dan
25-10-09, 08:04
Hi everyone,

Just cant seem to work things out does anyone feel like this, One day i will be so affraid of everything and panic, i must make an appointment to see the doctor, so you make the appointment, but the next day you wonder what all the panic and anxiety was about and feel so guilty for asking for an appointment but you dare not cancel just in case you feel the terrible the following day...

For instance, i felt really down depressed and constantly worried, my anxiety was through the roof i thought i was going crazy, my freind said did i fancy a going for a run up the coast, i said yes, but i wasnt at all looking forward to it, i just wanted to lock myself away..

Yet when i went, i thoroughly enjoyed myself, i think i have a built up a fear, that i am not going to enjoy something, so i try and hide away which in turn causes more panic, but when i actually do it, i think what was all the fuss and worrie about...

I am so messed up...:wacko:


25-10-09, 09:08
Hi Dan

You poor thing, you're really having it tough at the moment. But just look at what you did. You didn't let your fear prevent you from taking the trip. I know all the worry was there anyway, but you have the 'feel the fear and do it anyway' attitude. This is courage and is the most important step in recovering from an Anx disorder. When your fear is not effecting outcome ie. your still doing things (even if it feels like just going through the motions) then you have won the first battle. I don't think you realise now brave you are. You have the perfect foundation for recovery.

I won this battle also and my working on the next step. Next comes acceptance of the fear itself. There's no great secret to this and there are many, many recovery systems that have acceptance as their central tenet, eg . Claire Weekes. All i can say about this one is practice, practice, practice, practice. When fear rises i say to it 'well there you are now', no judgement. I must have said it literally millions of times at this stage and i am seeing progress.

With regard to your doc appointments, it's your overall health that matters when you go to the doc, not how you feel on the day. When i go to mine i discuss the good and the bad. I make appointments even when i feel perfectly well, to discuss ongoing maintainance of remission. Docs aren't just there to treat the bad times, but to nurture the good times.

Hoping you feel better soon

26-10-09, 11:07
Hi Dan

I am exactly the same way as you. When I actually push myself to do something, I feel really great and am so glad I did it. I had a great phase of pushing myself through things and then recently feel like I have gone back to square one again... It seems to come and go in waves. The whole thing is really damaging my life.
