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25-10-09, 08:09
I have a funny rash all over my arms and legs which I think is "Hives". I googled it and it certainly looks like "Hives".

I initially wasn't worried ass I have a full Bupa Health ASssessment last week (on Tuesday) which included a full blood count and everything was normal (phew!)

However, I read that one of the causes of Hives can be a blood disorder like Leukeamia or even a Lymphona. So now I am petrified and keep thinking I must be dying

Does anyone know if a full blood count would rull out any of these two horrible diseases?

Apparently Hives can also be caused by stress. Although I don't feel stressed, I am moving to Australia in two months time so maybe it's that?

I am desperate for some reassurance - please help

25-10-09, 08:45
I'ts probably just stress. You can be stressed and not know about it apparently, and especially as you are making such a life changing move going to Aus. The body does some wonderful things when we are anxious. The blood tests would have picked up if anything was wrong as well. Could also be a simple reaction to something you have eaten or even washing powder etc. Nothing to worry about.

25-10-09, 09:13
Thanks - I had the blood test on Tuesday and I got the rash on the Thursday. Do you think I could have developed something ominous in between? I am trying to be reassured by my full blood count but am still panicking!

25-10-09, 10:18
I had a rash allll over my body a few weeks ago n the doctor jus put it down to stress and put me on anti histimines! it will soon go and a blood test shoulda picked up anything else and the chance of anything developing in 2 days is soooo small it not worth worriing about! ul b fine x