View Full Version : Advice

25-10-09, 09:32
My main symptom of anxiety is of feeling off balance and unsteady. Yesterday while out shopping I felt so terrible I thought I was going to faint. I immediately began to panic even more and needed to get home as soon as I could. It just got worse and worse. Even when I was home I felt the same. I feel like I'm walking all over the place, bumping into things. Can anyone suggest anything to help when it happens especially when I'm out. I thought I'd feel better this morning after a good nights sleep but I don't. I feel so off balance. I hate it, it's taking over my life and stopping me from doing things. I'm afraid to go out now in case it happens again.

25-10-09, 11:57
all symptoms of anxiety get worse when you let them scare you but the one good thing is the more you get them the more you come to realise that they wont kill you and you are always ok, you need to just accept that this is you now and its part of your life, change your way of thinking and instead of thoughts like im scared to go out incase it happens again to ok it wasn't very pleasant but i made it home i didn't faint i still haven't fainted and in the grand scheme of things everything is ok, the more you can do this the more these horrible feelings will subside and you'll start to feel better, its hard, its a struggle, its unpleasant but no symptom of anxiety EVER killed anyone and its very very very rare to faint from it too (i've had thousands of panic attacks with hyperventalation etc for 15 years now, felt like i was gonna pass out lots of times and never have) it just makes you feel awful and thats it its just feelings and emotions, try to carry on regardless and good luck with it :yesyes:

25-10-09, 15:05
Your giddiness could be from Hyperventilation = breathing too fast - this is VERY common to those of us who suffer from anxiety.
I have the same 'reeling' feeling at the moment it makes me feel quite sick.
It might help you to understand your fears = read about hypervent in "symptoms" on left of screen.
Click on symptoms and then you will have to scroll down to find the info. LOTS and lots of good stuff in there.
It does not cure you :blush:but helps you to understand :yesyes:what is happening.
Best wishes

26-10-09, 09:27
This is the one that sets me off the most. If I have a really unsteady or dizzy moment anywhere it freaks me out straight into a panic attack.

I don't understand why this happens?

Do you get it sitting down as well? Like a light-headed dizzy feeling?

27-10-09, 11:40
I also get it when I'm sitting down. I never feel still. I've never had an explanation as to why it happens either. It's such an awful physical symptom. When it's at it's worse is very difficult to think it's "just anxiety".

27-10-09, 11:48
Sorry David, I forgot to say, yes, I feel light headed and dizzy most of the time. It starts from when I get up in the morning and lasts all day. I've had all the neurological tests but no explanation as to why it happens. Nobody really understands what it's like only those of us who suffer with it. I won't take any sort of medication as I'm so afraid of the side effects.

30-10-09, 11:33
Same here. I hate the dizzy light headed feeling, it's so hard to get on with every day life with it.

30-10-09, 14:41
Just thought i would ask - Did either of you look in "symptoms"??
If so did it help?
Just curious

30-10-09, 14:50
Yep read it through and through and it still doesn't help me!

31-10-09, 11:02
Yes, I did read it but it doesn't help. I feel so off balance today. Hard for me to even walk about the house. I went to the doctor yesterday for reassurance and I was reassured for 10 minutes and then it all begins again.

31-10-09, 11:16
I have it too. It cripples me. I cant walk straight and i feel drunk. Then i get tense and it all gets worse. I find moving about as much as possible helps. The more you move, the more you can move. Takes a few minutes. I am going to try some light exercise. Think it may help.

Hang in there. Baby steps will get us there.

31-10-09, 11:22
:hugs:thank you both for your replies. I printed off some of the 'symptoms' pages as i found that i got reasurance from knowing 'how common' these symptoms are.

tummy probs
fear of fear
vertigo or just plain ear probs
are some of the main causes of dizziness - understanding this should give you some confidence.
WILL NOT give you a cure - I was looking thro my diaries and i have had this dizziness on and off for 10 years. :ohmy:
You have to stop being afraid of it:blush:
Best wishes
Nutteetart - excelent advice - we are usualy so unfit thro fear of moving.xx