View Full Version : Raised heart rate and alcohol

25-10-09, 12:13
Does anyone else suffer from raised heart rate as a result of drinking alcohol? I'm not a big drinker (rarely drink, even on 'nights out') but last night I had a couple of drinks (one cocktail and one pimms/lemonade) and felt decidely tipsy. Had only had soup for dinner so went for obligatory cheese burger at about 11pm then went home and went to bed. Few hours later I woke up and my heart was pounding. It's settled now and haven't been feeling anxious for few days now (although still kinda worry about my health) so don't think it was linked to that. Maybe it's the whole anxiety + alcohol = racing, pounding heart thing?

Any thoughts guys? x

25-10-09, 12:19
Hey Anna

I stopped drinking for a long time because I felt terrible afterwards. I would feel great at the time, then the next day just feel really panicky and anxious, and my health anxiety / worries would be heightened.

I wouldn't worry about the occasional change in heart rate. I used to get it all the time, and it would settle if I took my mind off it, or when I realised it was part of my anxiety.

It could be related to the alcohol, it's probably a raise in anxiety which is causing it.

Maybe monitor what triggers it if it happens again, and check for patterns?

Don't worry you'll be fine :)

Chris x

25-10-09, 13:01
when i used to drink my heart used to go mad all the time alcohol definatly does cause your heart to beat faster but you didnt have much really but it still is a way of your body telling you it doesnt like alcohol in it