View Full Version : Chest and Arm Fears

25-10-09, 12:38
Well, I got my mammogram results and everything seemed fine there. I was waiting for a call that said my chest x-ray showed something ominous but the call never came and it's going on the 2nd week since I had it done so I'm assuming everything is ok with that. You'd think I'd feel elated but I'm not. I still have lung soreness and a wheeze in my right lung(no cough) and my right arm is still causing me pain and neurological symptoms. I now have myself convinced that I have cancer in my bronchial tubes and is undetected and the cancer has spread to my arm. I was a heavy smoker for years so the risk is there. I had a CT scan of my lungs done last winter that was clear. Would that show if anything was growing in the bronchial tubes? I have myself in a state of constant panic over this. I can't get it out of my mind and nothing seems to be able to distract me. I even try deep breathing and it doesn't relax me. I can't get into see an orthopedist for months and months and I'm terrified of asking my doctor for the bronchioscope (spelling). How do I calm my fears? What do I do?

25-10-09, 15:25
Hello Lamentinglaura,

Great to hear your mammogram has come back clear, and your chest x-ray is fine too. I am sorry you are still having soreness, and other symptoms, which are fueling your anxiety; health anxiety seems to work like this and it is so distressing; we never take things at face value, there always has to be a Big 'if or but' however obscure it is. I am certain your CT scan would have picked up any abnormality in your bronchial tubes. I know how your fear is linked to the symptoms you are experiencing, and you are frightened an undetected cancer has spread, but the fact you have just had a chest x-ray, which has come back clear, makes me one hundred per cent certain you definitely do not have a problem. If the cancer had spread to your arm then by now it would be showing up in your lungs. I know how difficult it is to hang on to rational thoughts, but please feel reassured your results have shown absolutely nothing for you to worry about.