View Full Version : Does planning for the future make your health anxiety worse?? (Reaching wits end)

25-10-09, 13:52
Hello... sorry, long post with rambling psychological theories from someone who knows nothing about psychology. Partly me needing to vent, partly just curiosity as to whether anyone has similar experiencs of HA worsening when they start thinking about the future.

I'm reaching my wits end here. I've had a terrible few days. This past week I've done several things. I've decided that I want to stay in education after I finish my Bsc. I want to do an Msc and then a Phd. I've began looking at postgraduate courses and considered leaving the country. I've had two of the worst panic attacks of my entire life. I've had an average of two attacks per day over the last week. I have never had so many in such a short space of time. Then I've considered packing it all in, admitting defeat and going home. I'm just calming down after the first panic attack of today, I've resigned myself to the fact that there will probably be another one later. I'm worrying about my heart. It's there in my mind from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed. I'm constantly aware of it and what it's doing. I'm constantly feeling my pulse. I'm constantly in tears. I'm practically waiting to keel over. I'm so sure it's going to happen.

Here come the hairbrained pyschological theories: I think my HA has gotton worse over the past week or so because I've been planning my future. It's scary but it's exciting and I want it so much. I'm terrified that I'm planning a future I won't get to live. And I've noticed things similar to this before. When I was waiting for A level results I was so certain I had cancer. My theory at the time was that because I was worried about the exam results, my mind had subconsciously decided to give me something else to think about, a worry that wasn't real, to take my mind off the very real worry of failing the exams. That comforted me to some extent because I thought it would all go away after the results. Wrong. I spent the weeks before I left for university convinced I was dying. Scared that after all that hard work, I'd never get to live the thing that I'd worked so hard for.

HA has been there, constantly, since then, and it's never been fun but it's been manageable. Now it's destroying my life. I feel as though my anxiety has got so much worse because I'm planning a future that I'm afraid isn't going to work out the way I want it to (does anything?). But unless I can get the anxiety back down to a manageable level there won't be any postgraduate education because there won't be any graduating, because much more of this and I'm done with the whole thing. Somehow it seems like a part of me is trying to sabotage everything I've worked for and I don't know why. But then I've always been self destructive. I've always been my own worst enemy.

I'm afraid even of going to the doctors again and asking for help because I worry that somehow prospective future employers will get hold of my medical records and will think I won't be able to take the stress of the kind of job I want. I'm going to have to though. Feels like I'm hitting rock bottom. I can't get rid of the anxiety and it's making me so unhappy. I don't usually cry, ever, but over the past week it's been hard to stop. I cried after phoning my mum and telling her I won't be coming home again until christmas, because I'm scared I might not live that long. I cried looking for research placements for next summer because I'm scared I might not live that long. I cried planning a weekend away with some friends in November because I'm scared I'll die before then.

I'm wondering if anybody else has had any experiences where planning or even thinking about the future causes their anxiety to worsen because it makes them think about possibly not still being here by then.

Or maybe I'm just seriously overanalysing again.

If anyone actually got all the way through that, thank you, sorry.

Needed to vent.

25-10-09, 14:18
hi PD its strange how wit this illness we never see good only bad ,,we never dare contemplate to far ahead,, in case something happens.. but on the other hand we want to be able to plan ahead don't we,,you sound a very intelligent person ,,who is doing well in your studies,,for that you must feel proud..as for when you start your career,don't worry a doctor can not pass on your medical files or speak about you they take an oath .so go see the docter,if only to chat about how you feel ..nothing will happen to you ,,its anxiety talking ,, please be strong ,,maggie:hugs::hugs:

25-10-09, 14:22
I am exactly like this. I feel enormous panic and stress when I try to plan anything for the future. It's so bad that I feel almost sick when I find out that a good movie will be released in the next month because I'm sure that I'll be told I'm dying by that time. Every thought of the future is followed by, "I may be dead by this time." I wish I knew how to get around this. It leaves a person feeling hopeless.

25-10-09, 14:44
For years I have had this feeling, and looking back I can see how much time I have wasted, and how I have lost out on being able to enjoy future events which should have been happily anticipated. Any change, even good ones, can cause a degree of stress, especially when we find it difficult to deal with uncertainties. In my experience I believe HA often acts as a distraction from these life's unknowns. I have been making a real effort to enjoy each and every day as it comes, and to accept we cannot know what the future holds; very often we can plan ahead imagining all sorts of problems along the way, which never materialise, so I try to concentrate on all the positives. Fearful anticipation ruins every chance of being able to 'enjoy the moment'. I try to remind myself that life really is too short to allow these worries to take over; I do know this easier said than done, but I don't want to end up looking back with regret about wasted opportunities.

25-10-09, 16:12
Wow pd thank you for saying everything i think!!! You have just written down what i could write everyday. I am exactly like you with the heart thing and thinking about the future. The thing is i dont know how to beat it and it really annoys me.

As soon as i plan something for the future its like a switch goes in my brain saying "will i make it till that date what will happen to me before the trip" stuff like that and its constant for me at the moment. I could write so more about this so if you want to PM me feel free we can vent at eachother.

Take care mate


26-10-09, 16:07
Thank you for the replies

Gypsywoman - you're right, we never let ourselves see the good things and obsess over the bad. I guess we just need to believe it won't always be this rubbish. Thanks. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Laura - Hopeless is the right word. There's constantly this feeling hanging over, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, it's there. I don't dare plan too far ahead in case I'm tempting fate. Even though I don't believe in fate. I guess it's a good feeling to go and see that movie you worried about not still being around for. I'll be happy to get home at christmas all the more because I worry about it not happening. Strange. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Rosie - "In my experience I believe HA often acts as a distraction from these life's unknowns" This struck a chord with me. I've thought for a while now that my HA flares up as my minds screwed-up way of taking my mind of something else. Life is too short and I've wasted enough time, but just enjoying the moment is much easier said than done, isn't it? We'll get there eventually. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Cricketjar - I'm always amazed after posting something here how many people have exactly the same fears. But then before I found this site I had no idea health anxiety actually existed. Venting helps, PM whenever! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks for the replies guys. Always good to know you're not alone. Things have got marginally worse in that I was back at uni today, missed most of a lab session as I was in the loo feeling my pulse and checking for signs of oxygen deprivation. Had a progress meeting with my tutor and ended up in tears and telling him I was thinking of dropping out. Which I'm not, not really, I mean I've considered it but I'm far too stubborn. Sat through a lecture I really needed to pay attention to struggling to stay awake. On top of that it's utterly impossible to get a doctors appointment at my surgery at the moment. I rang the second they opened, was on hold for half an hour and by the time I got through ALL of todays appointments were gone. All the regular appointments are booked up for the next week, my only option is to try for an emergency one which makes me feel bad because I feel that my anxiety isn't really an emergency and I might be preventing someone with an infection or something seeing the doctor. I'm going to have to though, even that will be difficult, but I don't think I can wait a week without completely losing it. Ugh. Life really sucks sometimes.


Feel as though I can't breathe. :weep:

26-10-09, 17:35
Yes, absolutely. We are currently having home improvements done, and I'm wondering if I will be around to see them finished. I've also noticed if anything good happens to me a new bout of HA seems to coincide with it, almost as if I can't allow anything positive in my life. I think Rosie's post was excellent - I can really relate to regrets about time and opportunities wasted through this.