View Full Version : Anxious life decisions

25-10-09, 14:31
Im in bad place atm I dont have any idea what to do and cant think clearly enough or do anything much in anyway to support possitive things for myself .Im a guy in early 20s doing a college course but it isiant going well i suffer from anxiety,panic attacks,some ocd and depression.It feels if i stay going to college then i wont be able to cope but if i pullout then i feel ill fall apart.All the bad news in the economy and lack of jobs makes things more depressing than they are.

25-10-09, 14:53
I can't give much advice about the college as I dropped out of a course a few years back due to stress but all I'd say was I regretted it a bit. It depends if you enjoy the course? The people? anxiety can be over come but if there's other issues then you have to make your mind up.

I'm in that dilemma with work at the moment too..stay or go?