View Full Version : Till Training At Work

25-10-09, 16:58
I had a stressful time at work about a week ago, as they wanted to till train me. I've been there 6 years and up until now, it's always been at the Manager's descretion as to who is/isn't till trained, but recently, a memo from Head Office came through, saying that everyone had to be till trained, unless they had a medical condition. When they first told me, I was really upset/stressed about it and felt so alone/stressed out, as I didn't have anywhere to turn. But the Management, knowing what I'm like, suggested I go to my Doctor and get a letter saying I was 'medically unfit' to operate a till - so that's what I ended up doing. The Doctor basically said that she felt it was unadvisable to put me on tills, as it would cause me unnecessary stress. One day, while all this was going on though, I'd done 30 mins till training the previous day and the following day, someone got their wires crossed, possibly thinking I was fully trained and obv not aware of my talks with management, and they called me to tills. I didn't stop to wonder whether or not I was gonna get into trouble for refusing, but I just ran off and was hyperventalating/sweating/shaking/dry mouth (for ages!). I'm guessing it was a panic attack. Annoyingly, some people are making comments about the same old people getting called, when they get called to tills, and this just makes me feel worse (eg guilty), but I can't really help them out during busy periods, if I'm getting so upset. But in theory, the situation is sorted - it's just the guilt I have to endure now!

25-10-09, 17:55
Hello there I am assuming that you work in a shop? I also work in a shop and have to work the till which is old and antiquated. I also have to work the till with my back to the customer. All our items have to be entered manually as there are no bar codes. We have to work out peoples discount and work the card machine. If your job description says that you have to go onto the tills at busy periods then it does not leave you with any option apart from getting another job? What is the worst thing that could happen whilst you are on the tills? If you get a difficult customer or a queue are there options in place to help you? Dealing with the public is never easy. I hope that you find a way to do your job without feeling too stressed about it.

25-10-09, 18:16
Well as you said in your post that the company has said that it is mandatory for you to have to go on the tills unless you have a letter saying you are medically unfit to operate a till so you have got the letter and maybe that the people in your company should be reminded that you have this letter and if they do not want another anxiety/panic attack to happen then they should be more supportive with this matter otherwise they could be breaking the disability discrimination act if they keep forcing you to go on the tills but you would have to check this out more with the citizens advice bureau. I work in a charity shop and I love working on the till but I know this doesn't suit everyone particularly some people with mental health problems or social phobia.

26-10-09, 16:11
hi angel
just letting you know that i used to work on checkouts in a large supermarket and started getting panic attacks so had to come of them and do something else they cant make you go on them
our supermarket has a new policy now every one has to be till trained it has caused uproar you would be suprised how many people are saying they would rather leave than go on checkouts as they couldnt cope

28-10-09, 21:19
Originally, I thought of leaving, but it's been sorted now, as I got the letter from the Doctor and handed it in to my Manager and things have settled down again now. I'm starting to feel myself again now! Thanks for all your understanding everyone! It's nice to be able to discuss things on here with people who understand!

08-08-10, 16:21
Well, here I am again a few months on - and I'm now quitting my job, due to the above reason! Head Office have said we all have to be till trained regardless of any doctor's letters, etc. When I got that doctor's letter last year, I was told that was the end of the matter and I wouldn't be hassled about it again. A few months later, we got a new Manager, who also said with that letter, no one can touch me - and now they've gone back on their word! I am quitting myself - but basically, I'm being pushed out and I can't help the panic attacks. I've been told it's not an illness and that it's unfair that other people are willing to do tills and I get away with it. I do think it's fair that I 'got away' with it, coz those other people don't mind doing it and are confident and don't run away having panic attacks. I can't help certain things about my personality and this is doing nothing for my already low self esteem. But I'm gonna be happier out of there anyway - but I just don't like the way they've gone about it.

08-08-10, 16:49
Dear Angel I'm sorry that you will have to leave your job. Perhaps you can find another job in retail where you will not have to work the tills. My sister has recently left her job to look after our father. In Essex where we both live there seem to be very few jobs available in retail. Maybe with Christmas coming up you will be able to find something a little less stressful? I do hope so and best of luck. EJ

08-08-10, 17:48
Hi Angel,

I feel for you having to give up your job....I am a manager in Retail and know the stress that we sometimes have to put on our staff and suffering like you do I know this is not easy for some people. Unfortunately the Company I work for too expect colleagues to be till trained as Customer Service has to come first and if you cannot operate the till then they view you as not being able to do your job properly...not fair at all....I feel there are other things you could be doing but hey thats only my oppinion!!!

What a world we live in??? I just wanted to post to wish you well in finding something else that is suitable for you and that you will enjoy.

I wish you all the very best hun.

Take care

28-02-11, 22:26
Hi! I thought I'd write an update! I went to see a social worker, who works with the local community mental health team, a few weeks ago and now my GP is referring me to a psychological therapy service called 'iTalk', which deals with anxiety, depression, OCD, panic attacks, etc. So I'm just waiting to hear back from them. Not too surprisingly, I haven't managed to find a job yet (I've been out of work about 6 months now) and the Job Centre have cut my required job searches down from two to one a week, because of my limitations. I do really want to go back to work, as I used to go to the theatre a lot and now I'm on Job seekers Allowance, obv I've really had to cut down on outings, etc. Having been through the experience I had at my last job, it's made me feel like I don't want to trust anyone anymore. A couple of people who I really thought were my friends, basically kicked me in the teeth, when it came to understanding my problem - although I'm not too sure they even believed I had a problem.

Apparently, my ex Asst Manager is now telling my ex colleagues that the whole situation was my fault, as I didn't stand up for myself against the Manager. I felt really upset about this. I've never stood up for myself, which is why I have a wrecked education behind me aswell - I moved schools twice during my secondary education, because of bullies, so it really affected my education.

I don't know what the future hold for me job wise. Does anyone know if counsellors/social workers etc help you find employment?

28-02-11, 22:31
Also, I'm now helping in the stock room of a charity shop in town, just for 6 hours a week and I'm also doing an IT course, which the Job Centre put me on. Plus, I've started an online French course with the BBC called 'French Steps', which I'm really enjoying. All these things may make me a little more employable hopefully!