View Full Version : Alittle Embarrassing

25-10-09, 20:31
hey, im really worried and embarrassed. i recently found a lump on the right lip of my em...privated area :unsure:

im scared to go to my doctor in case he judges me and im really nerous about someone poking around down there.

does anyone know what it could be and how to get rid of it?

thank you.

25-10-09, 20:38
It could just be an ingrown hair or a cyst. Its important to go to see a doctor about it though, so you can work out what it really is and how to treat it. I know it is embarassing but remember they see this sort of stuff all the time, its their job.
Try going to a female doctor if you can. This would put me at ease.


25-10-09, 20:42
Hi, this is very common. Happens to me aswell. Its most likely to a blocked pore. Similar to a pimple. They can get quite big. There is a name for it but I cant remember what it is. I know this sounds gross but you could probably squeeze it. Dont be shy to see the doctor to put your mind at ease. They have seen it all.:D

25-10-09, 20:46
Probably a blocked pore or an ingrown hair, soak some cotton wool in hot (not too hot!) water with a bit of salt and hold it down there for 5 minutes. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor, they won't judge you, as Adelle says they've seen it all before.

25-10-09, 21:11
thank yous all,i will try the cotten wool. and i will make an appointent.

thank you again i was really starting to get worried there.


25-10-09, 22:05
I'm off to the Dr tomorow morning because I have had a tiny lump in same place that isn't a bartholin cyst told it was a mucosal cyst and for past 8 months it has been tiny and painless but on Friday it started hurting and overnight got twice the size but doesn't look angry - today its hurting like heck but has actually reduced in size and still doesn't look angry but as its getting more painful will see Dr. I won't be able to see a lady dr tomorrow so will be brave and see a male Dr.
I am off on hols for a few days from Tuesday so really need to see the Dr tomorrow regardless of sex of Dr!!! in case I need antibiotics. will ask about having it removed or something if it doesn't go away .