View Full Version : Scared

05-11-05, 22:17
I've had this now for a while since my bro died but i've been able to push it to back of mind but now i can't stop thinking about life and death and getting scared about it...My new one is scared of being buried and what happens to your skin and how temporary your body is and how everyone is really just a skeleton.. these thoughts terrify me, I'm also terrified of losing everyone i care about.. I just want to stop these thoughts as death is the one thing i can never do anything about.. I know this is a depressing topic and might upset some people, i'm sorry if it does but i had to write it somewhere..

05-11-05, 22:28
I know exactly how you feel, death is the thing that scares me most. I really can't help with any answers etc, just wanted to say you aren't alone.

05-11-05, 22:33
Have you really grieved the loss of your brother. Death is one of those dreadful thoughs that haunt us all. How will i die, when will i die. We all know that sometime we will die, that is simply life. However it is a dreadful thought, and thoughts can be altered.


06-11-05, 13:32
hi, i know exactly how you feel believe me, i get these thoughts every now and again, but wat you have to think is we dont remember being born so we dont remember dying,but please if you ever need to talk to me about it feel free to contact me my msn is hollyandlady@hotmail.co.uk

take care
lucy x