View Full Version : am i losing my mind!

26-10-09, 14:54
hey everyone, ive had a really bad couple of days. ive been constantly forgetting things or mixing up what im saying. my anxiety is sky high atm. my main health anxiety fear is going through an illness that makes u lose control of your mind, mainly a brain tumor. does anyone else get these symptoms? any advice is very much appretiated! xx

26-10-09, 15:04

I'd say this is normal anxiety symptoms. We become so pre-occupied with how we are feeling that our concentration suffers and also we end up speaking gobbledygook!! The fact that we are aware we are doing it is a good sign. I think if it were something more serious we'd be oblivious. You're not losing your mind, you're just anxious. Take care:hugs:

anx mum
26-10-09, 15:07
Im the same hun its like my HA has taken over my life so sick of it so sick of doctorsx

sarah jayne
26-10-09, 15:16
Im the same, im sure its down to your anxiety x

26-10-09, 15:27
It's normal, a good sign when you know you are doing it, I would think if you were losing your mind you would not know about it and think it's normal, I mix up my words as well and forget things, but before i speak I'm saying right don't mix up any words but I do because I'm so obsessed with it. Same with breathing, we always thinking about breathing and try to control it which makes it worse.