View Full Version : anxiety and me!

26-10-09, 15:18
Hi i am fairly new to this site i've read lots of posts but never started one.I have always been an anxious person and i think i had a form of PND but i didn't recognise it as such we used to call it my feelings! Anyway that was 18yrs ago.
This new anxiety has got out of hand, all started with a breast thickening that had me sent to the clinic all ok thank god,but the night before i remember waking up with a tight chest and breathlessness,shakey,and feeling as if my hands were swollen-not nice!
Since then every little change in my body has been a symptom of an illness that will ultimately lead to my death. I have had pain in my rt hand side ribs Ultra sound times 2 all normal,IBS in overdrive,weight loss and many blood tests.I have been diagnosed with Gilberts syndrome and anxiety.This is made worse i think as i am a nurse of 24yrs standing and obviously see worse case scenarios. Anyway sorry it's so long just wondering if there is any other health care workers out there who have managed to get their perspective out of line? thank you.

26-10-09, 15:19
Hi cookiecracks

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Veronica H
27-10-09, 09:17
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with good information and support.


27-10-09, 09:27

Worrying about the breast clinic would be enough to make you more anxious. You think of the worst possible scenario and can almost see yourself being given the last rites!!! Yes, I agree that when you work in health care, (I too work in a hospital), you become very suggestable as to what COULD happen to you - when anxious you think "Oh no, that'll be me next!". I know, I've been there!!:hugs:I think when you are an anxious person it is difficult to change, you can't change your personality, but you can learn to live with it and cope better. Have you read any of Claire Weeke's books? She explains it all exactly and explains the anxiety process and I'm sure you'd get some relief and some comfort from this. Also you'll get support from people on here that are going through exactly what you have. I think you are just suffering from the after affects of a huge panic attack and through time will feel better again:yesyes:
Take care
Myra x

27-10-09, 19:17
Hi Myra,
thank you so much for your reply it made me smile and realise i'm not the only one in my situation!I am trying not to think too hard about illnesses and will hopefully not be so anxious about things.
I am 43yrs old and it's funny to suddenly not quite know who you are anymore.My family and friends have found it difficult to believe i am so anxious,i have never let on .
Well lets hope this is a short episode in my life which will make me stronger and more understanding of others.:flowers: