View Full Version : Sensation of extreme heat in body

26-10-09, 15:44
Does anyone ever experience a really strong, powerful heat in the body?

Usually in the shoulders, back and lower back?

Is this anxiety-related?


26-10-09, 15:48

I was going to post about this earlier.

I am pretty much always quite warm, and I sweat very easily. It tends to be when i'm in enclosed spaces, like the underground or on a bus, or any claustrophobic situations, but I also get it when changing between temperatures (coming inside after being out etc).

I tend to get a general hot, flushed feeling. I quite often get prickly heat as well.

It often passes when I think about something else, or when I relax, or stop moving, so I think it must be an anxiety / overheating thing.

I've had it on and off for a few years, and i'm fine. Blood tests etc all normal, so I think it must just be a weird sensation I get, and another part of my anxiety.

How long have you had it? Does it come and go?

26-10-09, 15:57
Hi Chris,

It comes and goes, but when it comes it's a strong feeling of trapped heat and I literally have to pull off my t-shirt and fan myself cool.

I notice it mostly in my back and sometimes if I've had alcohol the night before, but there's no sweat associated with it. But I also have it when no alcohol has been taken.

I've heard this can be associated with overactive thyroid.

26-10-09, 16:09
Yeah I know what you mean, if I have more than one layer on, I usually get really hot, and if I'm in those situations I get very hot and prickly.

You could mention it to your Dr.

I've had it for years, so have just kind of got used to it, but i've had my thyroid and blood checked, so I know it's nothing related to that.

It may well be anxiety related, but either way, i'm sure it's nothing to worry about.


26-10-09, 16:23
Thanks Chris, I do hope so.

I just googled it there - never a good idea!! :unsure: