View Full Version : Sleeplessness/Exhaustion

06-11-05, 10:52
Hi feel like I have reached the burn out stage this week. Things have come to a head after a few weeks of severe anxiety. I have had so many symptoms worse ones being really tight chest, tense aching muscles sometimes dizzy, my blood pressure being higher (due to anxiety) and now have to monitor every day for doctor, and to add to all of this the inability to sleep. Finding it so hard, as husband is of no support at all, and have 2 lovely kids to look after. Feel like it has all got on top of me. Am trying to focus now on being positive, accepting and getting better. I tried to have some me time yesterday with Reiki session, but found it really hard to relax. Am listening to my sleep CD at night, sometimes as many as 3 times a night when I cant get off.

I know exercise is good for you, but how much should you do when you have had 2 or 3 nights with hardly any sleep at all? I am starting yoga next week, and am going to try and get Claire Weeks book. Should I try CBT? Husband tells me I am making everyone miserable including kids, I really try just to carry on during the day and be a good mum but also feel guilty that I feel so low from exhaustion. Anyway any ideas on how to go forward? Katie xx

06-11-05, 11:33
Hi Katie,

It sounds like you are doing an awful lot to help yourself, which is great. It's a shame you aren't getting the support you need from your husband, it is hard for people who have never experienced it to fully understand.

Have you visited the dr about not being able to sleep? Or tried a natural remedy? It might be that you need a bit of extra help with this. It's very hard to fight anxiety when you are exhausted.

CBT is very popular so might be worth a try. I have been doing something similar and it has been a very positive experience. It might be something you discuss with you dr?

As for the exercise that should help with the sleep problems. Trev has started a great thread on panic and exercise so have a look at this.
Exercise and panic attacks (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4768)

Hope this helps a bit.

Tammy x

06-11-05, 12:25

Sorry to hear that you're feeling so exhausted and that you're not getting the support you should be getting.

I am also feeling pretty exhausted this morning after a restless night - got myself into the 'negative thinking' trap regarding my breathing and before I knew it I'd had next to no sleep which resulted in a very anxious morning! Oh well - I recognised what I was doing and relaxed and things are a bit easier now.

Regarding exercise - I would say JFDI. Yes you may feel absolutely exhausted at the moment but as soon as you start the exercise you'll be surprised how much more energy you have. It will also help with your sleep.

I started this thread recently:-

Exercise! JFDI! - update No 2! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5601)

Getting hold of some Claire Weekes books will also help you enomously - it does me. If I can feel myself spiralling into anxiety I can usually relax myself by having a good read of her book - I just open it and read whichever page it lands on!

Take care

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

06-11-05, 13:08
Thanks Rach!
Your post has inspired me. Having a very shaky day today, have really enjoyed exercising in the past so will try and get to the gym tomorrow, could you or anyone else recommend a good relaxation cd? The sleep one does not really work for me in the daytime. Just waiting for family to come over and trying to focus on calming my breathing down! So pleased to have this forum.

06-11-05, 13:49
Hi again

Just a quick one as I rush out to take the little 'un to a party!

I've got Glenn Harold Complete Relaxation - its based on hynotherapy and I really like it. I got it from amazon.


Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

08-11-05, 18:44
Hi Katie--

I can really relate to how you are feeling. I have 2 young children to care for as well, and a not so supportive husband. He doesn't say anything negative--just doesn't say anything. He doesn't help much with the kids either!

When did you begin with all of this? Mine started immediately after the birth of my second child 2 1/2 years ago. Has gotten better, but I still have times......

My symptoms have run the circle. Reading here has really helped me to realize that this all comes from my head, but that doesn't help much really. I will go for awhile feeling great, and then I am right back to having palpitations, muscle tension, headaches, dizziness, chest pain....you name it!

How does a person make it through all of this? Where do you possibly get the strength from? I am not hopeless at all, but I don't know how long this will go on!! I'm not sure what treatment will work, have tried a lot of different stuff already---like I said, things are definately better, but not the way that they were before? Will it ever be that way again?

08-11-05, 21:10
hi katie,

i use to find my anxiety was worse when i got tired, but i got tired because of my anxiety if you see what i mean...lol....damn pig isnt it. anyway, i decided in the end to look at what i did daily, and then i saw how much i was doing and found ways to take life just a little easier, then stress levels dropped, the anxiety dropped, and the sleep got better.

dont beat yourself up about this, its not your fault, your just going through a difficult time.

plus there is an awful lot of flu about and ive felt wrotten for the last week ad it would of all been to easy to sy its the anxiety but its just flu.

take care hun, and yes cbt is great in my opinon.


08-11-05, 23:13

try Tesco Sleep Aid, its a cheap, natural, and easy to take herbal sleep aid, very good imo, it contains some Valerian, Hops, and Passion Flower, take 2, 1 hour before bed, then go and relax, and sleep, I think you will find it is a nice safe relaxent, take 2 for one evening, then 2 the next, then day 3 take only 1, then day 4 none, see if that gets u into a reasonable sleep pattern, the moment you feel ok, start coming off them, I dont like to advise allot of anything really, be sensible with anything like that in my opinion.

GL with getting some relaxing sleep.

Am I Awake? Or Still Dreaming?

09-11-05, 21:47
Thanks everyone for your kind replies. I have felt a bit more positive in the last couple of days and slept a little better. I find going out for walks has helped too. I will definitely try the tesco product thanks fen, and Brandy sorry to hear you have had a similar situation to me. I too go in cycles of really bad anxiety, insomnia etc then things seem to get a little better. I think mine has been happening for about the last 5 years, but I also know that keeping a positive frame of mind to get you through the worse of it really helps me. I think sometimes I have just accepted this is just part of me, and maybe has been for a long time. I find I get over one symptom, and then bang! another one will pop up! anyway I really appreciate all the advice thanks.