View Full Version : Is this Anxiety?

27-10-09, 01:48
Hello, im 18 years old and have been expierencing some form of anxiety or possibly panic based problem for on and off 4 years now. It started when i was having strange sinking sensations like whereevr i went i was sinking on to the floor or when i touched my face it felt like it was bending. At first i thought it may have been a physical sympton but as time went on almost all physical symptons were ruled out and i felt more and more anxious all the time and as a result of that more and more depressed as i felt like i coundt function properly in social enviroments and couldnt be myself any more, as time went by my gp thought it could be panic attacks but as i have never only one ever had anything resembling a panic attack i dont think that it is the problem. it feels like an intense vulnerablity constantly and the more i think about it the stranger i feel and the more dpressed i feel beacuse of that and in goes in s circle like that of feeling more and more vulnerable and as if im slowly going mad and everyone thinks im strange and feeling more and more depressesd beacuse of that and the anxiety of constant worrying becoming more and more acute all the time. im just wondering if anyone out there has has similar feeling or expierences and could please shed any light at all??


Veronica H
27-10-09, 09:35
:welcome:to NMP John. Many of us here can identify with the way you are feeling. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a fellow sufferer who really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. Glad that you have found us.


28-10-09, 22:47
i feel the same as you always worring about how i feel.doc has changed my meds been on new one for one week feel just as bad as before.people tell me not to worry but i am scared of the feelings,not sure what to do

29-10-09, 14:01
i can relate to that aswell had gad now for 19 months on new meds again and feel really bad cant stop crying were i feel so scared , but been told to stick with it and i will get better WHEN IS THE QUESTION