View Full Version : newbie needs advise

27-10-09, 06:16
hi i am new here .
I am 34 yrs old and have a 18 yr old son, over many yrs i have had panic attacks and been agrophobic.over the last 4yrs my friend had lodged with me and has been helping out doing things for me and gradually i have been going out with her etc and getting over the not being able to go out but last week for no reason she moved out, refused to talk to me etc etc and just left me, i dont have great network of friends and i am in a totall mess over it, i am having constant butterflies shaking feeling sicky, cant eat lost 4lb in weight due to, and constantly on edge and feeling down i do not know how to try and control this.it is really bothering me i,ll go to bed fine but then i,ll just wake in a panic andbe sweating and stomach turning.can any one adviseme whats best to try and control it and y i am in such a mess over it thank you

27-10-09, 06:52
Hi icybabe1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
27-10-09, 09:12
:welcome:to NMP. I am sorry that your friend has treated you this way. You will find comfort and support here. The information down the left side of the page will help you with your panic/anxiety/agoraphobia. Glad that you have found us.
