View Full Version : Emotionless state......

27-10-09, 14:31
When i watch t.v my mind goes else were, as if i wasn't here living on earth, it sort of feels like i'm not in my own body or able to control my own mind, sometimes happens when i'm in town also. Its like someone has a switch and are turning it off and on.
i feel anxious when this happens because i know my family can tell, well so i think, i'm really starting to worry i just daze too much with an emotionless look...like my brain is shutting down for a while because its going into overload with all my negative thoughts i gather up. round and round in my head, all day, everyday!
I feel like i cant cope with this any more. could it be some sort of fit or something i get, because my vision also goes black for a few seconds, then i start to get tension around my neck and head area.
I had this before i quit my receptinist job, that was partly the reason why i left because i thought it was all down to being to stressed as there was alot of bulling going on.
why do i keep getting these weird feelings and will i ever get rid.

26-11-09, 05:29
Nope I felt this way many times... Sometimes I would rather almost feel this way than to deal with knowing Ill probably never be rid of this miserable anxiety. .I hope you are feeling better. I noticed no one responded.. 58 people read this ..I know there are others out there that also feel this way ..Take care.. Michael

26-11-09, 07:40
i hated that part of it it scared me to death feeling like your not there somehow, but since iv been on the meds its near enough gone