View Full Version : A treatment I received called EMDR 4 my PTSD

28-10-09, 01:48
Hi all PTSD Suffers

I am 27yrs old, and had an awful experience that caused my PTSD and It was not diagnosed until this year and in the time it was left untreated I developed Panic Atacks-Agoraphobia.. I had PTSD since 2002 but didn't realise it, I would have flashbacks,trouble sleeping, anger problems, waking up in a sweat, hypervigilance, anxiety attacks/probs, couldnt show no emotion, couldn't go to the places I had the awful experiences, cut of friends that knew me and made new ones, and tried my best to block anything and anyone that remindered me of what happened and tried to forget it and move on! Drink also helped! I never new I had PTSD, or realised I had any of the symtoms! I saw councellors, because my behaviour, drinking, and anxiety attacks, but they all missed I had PTSD, until this year, I referred myself to my local Oxleas Trust and a women there that had dealings with people with PTSD diagnosed it straight away! I was in denial abit and couldn't quite believe it! I started a treatment called EMDR, It was hard work, and you must be willing to face your worse experiences and relive them, and it is very exhausting, and you will go through every emotion! but after 5 months of treatment I was 90% cured. After the treatment finished it felt like a weight had been lifted I have got another probs due to the delay in diagnosis, but feel so differant, I haven't had flashbacks, waking up in a sweat, etc! for months!!! Just thought other PTSD suffers could look into this treatment and If it is for them, give it ago, It might work for you like it has worked for me!!! x x

01-11-09, 14:11
Hi Louise

Well done for getting on your road to recovery, its hard work isn't it?

I was diagnosed with PTSD in Nov 2008, mine went undiagnosed for four years as I was bliss fully unaware of ptsd & had managed to deal with my thoughts as you did by keeping busy, working long hours, drinking. Basically I went into stress burnout which was like have a really bad virus which went on for 5mths & I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue. Soon after I went back to work & a minor incident triggered my PTSD causing panic attacks at work & i was signed off for 12 mths.

I have also been having EMDR therapy with a psychologist since February 09. As you say it is very hard work, reveals things from the past that you didn't know were a problem & following a session you feel more anxious but as it settles down you begin to realise that your not ruminating as much looking for answers to why you feel this way. I found it also allowed me to talk more openly, I'm sure it helped me on the road to recovery, it was combined with talk therapy & as many relaxation techniques as I've been able to use. I know other people who have found EMDR too distressing but thats only in the short term & you have to take therapy day by day before you begin to feel a benefit from it.

It's really good to hear you no longer have flashbacks, they are so debilitating aren't they. Mine are down to a few a week now & much easier to manage.

Are you able to meet locally with other PTSDers, through another forum I met some for the first time on Friday & after sharing our experiences we all felt so much more 'normal' & not so alone. we're now hoping to start a support group in our area.

Take care
