View Full Version : Wake up with Pins and Needles's

Desprate Dan
28-10-09, 05:39
Hi Everyone,

Been waking up on a morning for about the last 6 months with Pins and Needles in my arms and hands, i have also had them in my feet too...

I have occasionally had them during the day aswell, i have never mentioned this to the GP as it seems there is not enough time to tell him everything, so best to just concentrate on one or two things which is causeing you most distress, other wise it seems like we get no were and come away feeling confused and thinking we never really got to the bottom of anything there....mmmmm:doh:

It worries me slightly as there is a lot of heart trouble in my family, my father, grand father, uncles and cousin all have had heart attacks or problems with there heart, my cousin died at 34 with a heart attack, so it worries me and probably add's to my Anxiety..

Can you ask for an ECG (would that tell if you had a heart problem) i always feel like i am a burden when i go to the doctors, i think its something i will never really get over..:weep:


28-10-09, 14:06
Hey Dan,

I sometimes wake up with my fingers/hands feeling numb (mainly left), without any recollection of sleeping on them and have to hang it over the side of the bed. My GP doesn't seem to concerned by this, as it clears easily with movement. I know this can all be part of damn anxiety! And maybe I am sleeping on my hand...I don't know! It hasn't happened in about the last week but I've noticed that if i lie on my back with an arm up near my head then it often goes dead or tingles once i move it. I think it's just a positional thing.

The other thing is, carpal tunnel can affect you more at night...pain, numbness etc. Don't rule out simple explanations. I try to keep telling myself that there are loads of other less serious things it could be...but I also know how hard it is to ignore the 'oh my, it must be something serious' feeling!

My GP has referred me to a neurologist but i don't think he's overly worried just wants to rule out an underlying problem. I'm not overly worried to be honest - I'm just amazed how screwed up we can make our bodies just by worrying about it!!

Purple Fish
28-10-09, 14:22
I agree I`ve definately screwed up my body and life in the past through worrying about my health!
I have been to the doctor`s in the past with pins and needles in my hands and because I saw a different doctor to the one who knows what I`m like they reffered me to the hospital to test for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. When I went to my regular doctor for a second opinion he tested me by placing a pin on all my fingertips and said that if I can feel it I don`t have Carpel Tunnel! So he cancelled the hospital test!
I haven`t worried since! I still occasionally wake up with pins and needles but it`s down to how I`ve been laying.
Mention it to your doctor and see what they say.

Tanya xx :D

28-10-09, 14:57
I have pins and needles everywhere everyday, from my tounge to my big toe. The doctor told me its stress and of course you have to believe everything the doctor says don't you.