View Full Version : tight chest

28-10-09, 07:56
sometimes for no known reason i get a geeling that my breathing is heavy and a sense of tightness on my chest, is this panic attack associated, its fairly new symptom for me i do have panic and anxiety anyway but as i said this is a new one on me well been happening on and off for 4 mths

28-10-09, 08:15
it is a symtom of anxiety ,,if you write tight chest in search box at top of page it will take you to members who have same problem hope you find it usefull so you can relax

sarah jayne
28-10-09, 08:51
I get this all the time. Its a symptom of anxiety. When it first started happening it really scared me and i would have awful panic attacks. Ive sort of got used to it now, although sometimes it still worrys me. If you ever need a chat then feel free to pm me.
Sarah x