View Full Version : Going downhill

28-10-09, 08:47
Hi all. Having a pretty bad time at the moment. I am still having trouble with my teeth and its really getting to me. Visited dentist yesterday and he doesnt seem to think that there is anything wrong with my teeth so I am to give it another week and go back - its been 7 weeks so far and a bit of a long story. Trouble is I keep thinking he's missed something but I have to accept that he is the expert and hopefully knows what he is doing. I am becoming very upset about it and keep crying since yesterday. I have no apetite and just want to hide away from everything and everybody - classic anxiety/depression symptoms. Its so hard putting on a front when you feel rotten inside. I know things will get sorted in time but the waiting really gets to me. Anyway, just ignore me as I am being pathetic. Its only toothache for heavens sake!

29-10-09, 10:18
Not sure if anybody is interested but I'm taking action. I'm not happy with the current situation so I have made an appointment with my old dentist ( who I was with for years and only left when they went private) for a second opinion. Dont care if it costs a fortune. At least I will get some peace of mind. got to wait 3 weeks though but I'll survive.

30-10-09, 10:30
I seem to be talking to myself here but thats ok. I know its only toothache but its taken over my life and I think I need help. I keep thinking, what if it never goes away - will I be like this forever? I feel like giving myself a good slap as I feel so guilty for being this way. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

30-10-09, 10:44
hey LT

Im sure everyone has just been in their own hell pits and not got round to answering you yet luv.

Reading your post though, you seem to be getting in control of the situation now though. Tooth pain is horriblem, i havent had it for a while but im sure i will soon enough knowing me lol!!

I hope you get this sorted out soon....sounds like your doing the right thing though


30-10-09, 11:49
Thanks Lisa. You are right. Everyone does have their own worries to deal with and mine are a bit tirvial compared to others. I bet some people wish they only had toothache to worry about! I keep changing my mind over what to do every 5 mins - after all I am not in much pain, just niggling, which is being fuelled by dwelling on it. I want to just forget about it and get on with things but seem trapped by my own thoughts, with this thing going round and round in my head. How do you stop this way of thinking - dont think anybody knows.

30-10-09, 12:14
Hi LT,

Has the dentist taken an xray of the tooth?

di xx

30-10-09, 12:30
Hi Di. Yes he took one 6 weeks ago but I am thinking about asking him to do some more just to be sure. Is that a bit cheeky - I dont want him to think that I am telling him how to do his job.

30-10-09, 16:24
I'd just ask him to investigate it further, not sure how many x rays they're allowed to do, tell him how worried you are, dentists are normally so spot on in their knowledge, if it was anything even slightly to be worried of i'm sure he would have looked at it more.

Tell him you need some peace of mind!

di xx

30-10-09, 17:39
I dont know what I am scared of actually. I know its not anything serious but if he's telling me that everything looks fine and I am still in pain then what should I do. I think I need a reason for the pain and thats why I was going to go for a second opinion. Its making my uneasy because this is the first time he has done any work on my teeth, apart from cleanings, since I have been to him and I have ended up with problems.

01-11-09, 20:42
Hi - just read your post and wanted to reassure you your problem is not stupid at all. I know what it's like to have something you constantly worry about all the time and get obsessed about. I'm the same! I think to myself that my worries are stupid and pathetic compared to other people's but we can't help the way we feel.

If I have a worry it really takes over my life too - so I really do understand