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28-10-09, 08:51
Well here i am again and before you read anymore those of you who have read my previous posts probably know what im going to write about, but here goes:

Stupidly i woke up and jumped straight on the computer because i had that horrible knot in my stomach, i came accross an article on an ms site that says that at first symptoms are barely noticable and come and go, well that is what happens to me i seem to have a symptom that i will have for a while and then either dissapear or get replaced by another, apart from the muscle twitches that have been with me constantly sometimes not as bad as other times but always there. I have had various sensations in my body as in burning or cold feelings or feelings of water trickling on my skin, i have been to the docs numerous times had my reflexes checked which he said they were fine but i noticed my left knee jumped a little higher than the other and i have read that reflexes that are not symetrical is also another warning sign, i have also been to the opticians who took a scan of my optic nerve and said i was fine, i am in two minds whether to take up my moms offer of paying for an mri scan but i am also scared to take it incase it says i do have it. I feel so down and feel like im wasting my life. I have read on another anxiety forum of a lady who went to the docs with a sunburnt feeling on her skin and he is sending her for an mri scan to see whether it is ms or not, i feel my doctor is just fobbing me off with the anxiety thing and 1 day i will actually get diagnosed,

28-10-09, 09:54
ARRGGHH why did i read this? I too have developed a sun burnt feeling in my left shoulder blade, i still have twitches too... omg does that mean i have ms?

I bloody hope not but guess i'll have to wait to see the doc on monday and ask him about it.

I've been using my laptop loads recently so i'm hoping my burning feeling is that :( sigh i was doing ok last 2 days till i read that.

28-10-09, 09:56
so sorry didnt mean to upset anybody, i feel even worse now, i just read it on another forum and it really freaked me out, didnt know what else to do other than to post it on here as i cant speak to my hubbie about it as he goes mad whenever i mention it, :0( sorry again xx

28-10-09, 10:01
lol it's ok, i too freak out about it, do you have the sun burnt feeling then?

Tbh i think ive had this feeling in my shoulder blade before so i don't think it's a sign of MS, it tingles / burns and it only started when i got my new laptop so i'm praying it's that!

I understand your need to post on here, i too have upset people with threads about MS

28-10-09, 10:03
i honestly cant remember i think ive had it in my hands ive had so many things some of them im sure normal people get but i just freak out and i think i have made them 100 times worse, i was really trying not to read anymore on the subject but i just cant help it, i can spot the letters ms from a mile away they haunt me where ever i go, lol .

28-10-09, 10:14
I'm the same, as soon as i see the letters MS together my stomach flips over, i mean we both know most cases of MS show themselves by constant twitching in 1 place coupled with impaired motor skills or a limb goes completely dead, i also think most things u read about MS on the net are taken out of context, i bet the sun burnt feeling would have to be extremely bad, only thing that worries me is that it hurts / feels a little burnt to the touch on my shoulder blade :(

28-10-09, 10:33
He rebbecca and gazman, gazman makes a very valid point, which i beleive is the whole basis for our innacurate diagnosis that we make. Its the varying degrees of severity of the symtoms that we identify as being those of serious ilnesses.

Anxiety makes us see our symtoms as more prominant than they actually are. Its a fault in our senses. We need to remember that we are no good at assessing our symptoms becuase we have HA.

Rebbecca.....nothing has changed. Even with everything you say to day....you still dont have the symtoms of MS.

As far as spotting letters at a distance!! Gosh my brain is a finely tuned HIV spotter lol!! Really that shows how bad the obsession is. My psychologist explained to me why the brain does this and its actually quite cool. Its to do with a particular system in the brain that is programmed to notice things over others when we repetitively tell the brain that itis very important to us. So your brain is working very well indeed doing exactly what you have told it to do... freak out and spot everything about MS....or for me HIV.

Great but we dont have those so having the brain do this is about as usefull for us as having an obbsession with David Hasslehough lol!!!

Rebecca luv you know the score......the more you research and study your sensations the longer you with wrongly think you have MS and the longer you will feel poo!!!!

Your Okay hun, trust this and it will grow and MS will fade to nothing in your mind I promise!!


28-10-09, 11:00
Lisa, i know everything you are saying is true, but its just i have read that ms symptoms at first are barely noticable and can be many years before diagnosed. I am having a real hard time at them moment my kids are driving me up the wall and i really feel like i am drowning i really cant cope. I feel like just running away and living on my own, i am such a horrible person to live with and i know it, i just cant change it. Im unhappy most of the time and just cannot wait to get into bed of a night. I have these muscle twitches going on the doc said they are fine but its just always in the back of my head.

hope you are feeling a little better now xxx

28-10-09, 11:30
I honestly could of wrote the same Rebecca, twitches are driving me mad, i have them all day everyday, in varying degrees of severity, yet the doc still thinks it's anxiety and they are benign.

I don't know where you read that it takes years for the symptoms to be diagnosed as MS as i've been told by the doctor that if nothing happens (ie leg going dead or arm etc) within 12 months of symptoms appearing then your fine basically.

Honestly, stay away from the internet, all threads to do with MS, it's clearly making you worse and you don't seem to be able to see that! Keep posting here for sure tho.

I worry so much about MS, my partner has said i've been in my own world for the last 3 months and is sick of it!

Your not on your own at all, i had to go for a walk to calm down purely cuz i'm worried about this weird burning sensation in my shoulder blade.

Everything we read is out of context - all the best - Gaz

28-10-09, 13:39
Aw rebecca I know what you mean I feel like this often. What I noticed is though that absolutely everything that i worry about , and i see it in your posts too is ' what if this and that happens later' Its always what if this is the early signs of blah blah...MS hiv cancer....... its always the case that the symptoms we have are not enough on their own and we seem to always be waiting on something happening.....re dreading it rather.

We are always looking for complete certainty because we think we have too many symtoms to just right it off with 95% certainty that we dont have it. But the thing is we are misinterpreting our symtoms, its just the way we are thinking. Its all upside down and back to front.

You can change it I promise its just hard for you at the moment becuase you read something else and its bothered you. Bu the lesson here for you isnt you have another symptom of MS, its reading about MS sets you back and makes you feel bad.
