View Full Version : Kind of feel like anxiety won today :(

28-10-09, 10:52
Hi everyone...
I know I don't come here much, but I'm really frustrated, and hoping someone can give me some helpful ideas, or even just understand what I'm going through. :(
I have General Anxiety Disorder, have had it all my life. Mostly it comes as Health Anxiety, but lately it's more other fears. Therapy never really worked for me, and I don't want to take medications, I tried that, didn't like it.. so most the time I just do my best, have good and bad days.

Anyway, I've always been terrified of driving, but I need to get my drivers license. (To be able to study what I want to, I need to be able to drive a car, or I can't get there.)
So, after 7 different driving teachers and almost 70 hours of lessons, overcoming a lot of fear, nightmares (and, as you can imagine A LOT of energy and money put into this!) I finally attempted the driving test today...but I failed. :weep:
Not because I can't drive well- I'm finally able to do all that. But because I was so worried about failing that I couldn't calm down during the test, so I panicked and I totally messed it up.
I've been trying so hard to do this despite my anxiety issues, but when it came to today, when it really mattered, I feel like the anxiety totally won.

I'm not giving up... the good news is I can try again in 2 weeks, but now I'm even more terrified that the same thing will just happen again...and then again...and again...etc.
My Mum is awesome, she tries so hard to be supportive but she just doesn't get it. She just tells me "you need to relax more", "don't worry so much"...as if I wouldn't relax more, if it were that easy!! (After that, she resorted to shutting up and giving me chocolate, which was much better!)

So, any ideas? I can't use sedatives or anything obviously, since they can affect driving skills. Maybe I just have to somehow trick my brain into calming down, but I don't know how. :(

28-10-09, 11:49

You might want to try what I did for my driving test - go running or swimming just before it (it has to be some kind of aerobic exercise). I am definitely no expert, but I think by doing this you are reacting how your body expects you to react when all the adrenaline is pumping through it, in preparation for the fight or flight response. I found I had to really tire myself out physically (fairly easy because I'm unfit), and then the fear was down to acceptable levels so my performance wasn't impaired. As you have some time before your next test, you could try doing this just before a driving lesson to see if it helps.

Also, decide to drive to the best of your ability all through the test, even if you make mistakes at the beginning and you know you have already failed. I made the decision that if I didn't pass, I could at least be proud of my general attitude while taking it.

All the best

29-10-09, 22:12
Thanks, I'll try that!! :)