View Full Version : just a cold....but still i worry!

28-10-09, 10:53
Hi all,
I have a terrible cold at the moment, which has sent my HA into overdrive, every ache, pain, cough etc my brain doesnt seem to register thats its just a cold. My chest is feeling tight and my shoulders are aching and quite painful.......i know this is from coughing and sneezing so why do i keep panicing its something else. My temp is up and down....probably dont help that im worrying constantly.
Does anyone else over worry even tho they know deep down what is actually wrong with them, im starting to drive myself crackers with all this now!!!

Debs x

28-10-09, 11:20
yes me i have had a bunged up nose and head that makes me feel dizzy when i bend down so i worry ,,i know its anxiety ,,but always think the worst hope we both get better son

28-10-09, 11:23
Hi gypsywomen,
Thank you for replying, i have the blocked head feeling also, which is making me slightly dizzy.
Horrible that we have to worry about everything isnt it!!!
Hope u feel better soon too.
Take care,

Debs x

28-10-09, 11:51
We all seem to be the same. Even though you know that its a cold, you cant help yourself from worrying about it. I am worrying about my teeth and I say to myself, for goodness sake, stop wasting time worrying about something so trivial but I cant. Hope you feel better soon.