View Full Version : Staggering/unsteady

28-10-09, 11:37
Hi guys
Haven't posted for ages but lurking again..
I have been feeling very very weak , unreal , very very unsteady and dizzy to the point where I am actually walking all over the place if I'm out(which is getting less and less , too scared to go out)
My DH says its anxiety and yes I admit my anxiety is awful but its definitely not just that

I am so so weak and my legs feel like they are seizing up when I'm out
I started an exercise plan about 3 months ago but instead of making me feel better I just felt worse and worse, so exhausted . I went to a dance class at the weekend and felt horrendous , at one point instead of being hot and sweaty , my body went really cold and I got goosebumps , tried to tell myself it must be the air con but when I asked another lady she said she felt really hot and not cold at all

I went to my car , the whole drive home(5 mins)my legs and arms felt really stiff as if I couldn't control their movements and I was in a right state , got home and felt like hell , still feel like hell now
Cannot make sense of anything , shake all the time and my body feels rigid , hearing is dulled and cant see properly :(
What is happening to me? :(

28-10-09, 11:42
Hunny whats happening is your adrenaline surging around your body..have you taken propranolol there very good for slowing this down ,,sounds like you need something ,,it must have been an awful weekend this illness manifests itself in many forms that's the worst thing ,,,you did well going dancing give yourself pat on the back. even thou you felt bad love maggiexx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

28-10-09, 12:08
Hi there
No , haven't taken any meds as yet
I thought propanalol was for high bp?
I just can't understand the unsteadiness , unreality :(
H x

28-10-09, 12:17
its for anxity as well ,,when your bp rises it setsof adrenlin gland so when you were dancing thats why youfeel like that ,i get light heade i hate it but meds help ,have a word with your doc dont suffer:hugs:

29-10-09, 10:51
Thank You very much for replying to me x
I've made an appointment
I can't think straight ,I feel awful
Does anyone know how I'm feeling? :(
H x

29-10-09, 11:18
yes i am the same today but took propanadol and feel better now ,,let me know what the docter says please maggie

29-10-09, 18:28
Hi Hunny,

I feel the same as you.

I try and do more, I told myself I just need to do more as Ive not worked for 5 years and Ive done very little in comparison to what I used to do..
Sometimes Im convinced I just need to get fitter, other times (usually when I try and fail) Im 99% sure theres something wrong with me!

For example, one time when I was cutting the grass (a small patch) I felt all spaced out, sort of cold yet hot!?? I seriously felt like I was going to drop, so I quickly wound up the gardening and came in!!

My gp has given me propranolol, personally Ive not taken them. I already have low BP. Im not knocking them, each to their own, but I feel like my GP is only too happy to give out tablets rather than help in the form of a person!

I regularly get dizzy, usually upon standing. I feel sort of drunk? Unsteady, like I could fall, sometimes I feel as if Im swaying?

I know Im unfit, Im underweight (zero appetite meaning Im losing more by the day), I do little, Im ill alot and so I try and rest.. all this meaning I end up even more unfit!

Youre not alone xx.

29-10-09, 20:21
Hi I have just come across your message. Firstly let me say I know how you feel and it is very unpleasant. You may have overdone it or be unfit, this could cause your arms/legs not to work because of the overuse of the muscles. I would ask for an exercise ECG this will clear up any problems that are cadiac related.

Hope all goes well for you.

31-08-10, 10:11
Hi hunny I was just wondering if you still have these symtoms or have overcome them. I am struggling quite bad with this at the moment, I do actually walk all over the place I'm finding it more and more difficult to walk. I am a lot worse when outside but do have this at home too. My legs are also very weak yet stiff very strange.
Take care

31-08-10, 17:31
It sounds similar to what a work colleague of mine has been going through. She's been told its vertigo caused by a problem with her ear drum. Heres a bit more info about vertigo.
Hope this helps :)

01-09-10, 21:17
Thank you for the link Betho