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View Full Version : Panic attack sufferer needs your help to make short film to highlight the issue!

28-10-09, 13:41
My name is Zosia and i have been living with panic attacks for 4 years. I am currently media student and i am in the process of making a short film to highlight the issue and look at why it isn't more highly publicised, as i feel like everyday i meet new people who are starting to have them. I am looking in particular at young adults so if you are aged 18-25 and are living with panic disorder i would really like to hear from you.
The main things i am looking into are causes, why did you first start getting panic attacks, for me personally i think it was a mixture of loss in the family and smoking weed (something i am not proud of and now deeply regret).
I also want to look at triggers, is there a particular thing that sparks panic within you, with me it's public transport and university lectures, things i feel i can't escape from quickly.
I also want to find out how you are dealing with it, have you been to the docs, councillers, been on anti depressents, used alternatve medicine? How successful has the treatment been and how easy was it to find in the 1st place, as i know when i first started having anxiety attacks, i found it very difficult to get the right help.
Anyway, sorry that turned into such an essay!
So if you could help at all it would mean a lot and maybe together we can do something towards getting this issue out there.


28-10-09, 14:03

I am too old for your film but wanted to say what a great idea and i would love to see the results

Good luck

28-10-09, 14:07
Thanks Marc, if you do know anyone that might be able to help, please point them in the direction of this thread :)
Will get it up on youtube when it is finished.

sarah jayne
28-10-09, 14:33
im too old aswell, im 28 ! I think its a fab idea though...

28-10-09, 23:38
I suffer bad from them but im 27 to old :)

29-10-09, 00:16
Hi Zosia

I'm sorry you suffer with panic attacks.

I'm not sure though how much of an accurate picture you are going to get if you are limiting the age to between 18 & 25.


29-10-09, 00:51
Thanks for your replies everyone. My film is focused on mental health in young adults as i've become aware of a lot of people my age suddenly starting to get them. And i want to see if there is a common link to why this is happening.
I'm still very much at the research stage so if that doesnt work i will be generalising it to all age groups.
Will definately keep you all posted.

29-10-09, 11:39
hi there..

i suffer terribly ....im 25 .... you can read my post and see if i would be anygood for you ..... its in panic attacks forum.... suziavah.....


03-11-09, 09:16
Hi Suziavah,
Is it ok if i get in touch with you via private message later?
Also Bit of a bump, but also i was wondering if anyone would be able to help in a a slightly different way. I would quite like to show the viewer of my film what having a panic attack feels like, through sound and vision, so if you have any ideas that i could include it would really help. For me my vision gets really narrow and sound becomes distorted but i know this is different for everyone.
Your help would be greatly appreciated

03-11-09, 13:14
Hi Zosia Im 24 and have had panic attacks since i was about 7 years old. I'd be happy for you to contact me if you would like more infomation on what my triggers were and what i have to cope with it.
I think its a great thing you are doing to help people realise how difficult it can be to live with panic attacks. Not enough people understand how it affects you and everything you do in live.
Feel free to message me.


Hana x

03-11-09, 16:26
Thanks Marc, if you do know anyone that might be able to help, please point them in the direction of this thread .

15-11-09, 18:53
Hi Guys
Am starting filming this week hopefully, so any last minute ideas any one has would be greatly appreciated