View Full Version : Ache in right side

28-10-09, 15:33
For the last amost 3 weeks I have had an on and off ache on my right side above my hip. Its nothing I would call painful but more of an annoyance and is the side I sleep on. If Im out wakling the ache or twinge seems to move up my side to me more under my ribs. Occasionally it may radiate to may back or front above my belt line where the little 'fat roll' for want of a better word is.

I have no real problem with bowel movements or urinating, I do tend to get a bit bloated after eating and suffer from a 'talking tummy' and wind both ends but I dont know if this would have anything to do with my side.

Does this sound like something muscular or does anyone have any other suggestions. My doctor just upped my anti depressant dosage after speaking to him on the phone about how I now had developed C HA and mentioned the sore side but he was more concerned with my anxiety and I dont want to have to visit him for the 5 time in 3 months unless there is something really wrong.

28-10-09, 15:40

Sounds like it could even be acid reflux which seems to be getting more and more common!! It gives you aches and pains and can make you feel nauseous at times. It's not life threatening and can be treated easily by an antacid prescription. Stress can make it worse. If it persists then I'd mention it to the doctor again as they can't ignore symptoms and put them all down to anxiety. Mines started on the right side as well and Im now on lansoprazol.
Take care

28-10-09, 15:59
If it was more central I might have thought reflux but this is literally my side above the hip area above where you would put you hands on your hips when sitting and under the bottom ribs when I walking kind of like a stitch but not that sore.

28-10-09, 16:18
What about irritable bowel? Also common with anxiety. If it persists then you'd be better asking your doctor. I got an ultrasound of my gallbladder when I originally complained of this. Maybe that's the next step for you.