View Full Version : for people that suffer with confusion/memory loss

28-10-09, 16:13
hey every one. as u know im a ha sufferer and the main worry that concearns me having anything wrong with my brain which would cause memory loss/ confusion, brain tumors mainly.
obviously the ha gives me these symptoms, which of course makes me worry more. this last week has been really bad, ive been doing stupid things all week, which of course adds to my anxiety. for example today i was convinced it was thursday, even though my sons bday is on thurs. i even went on my propety bidding website as i do every thurs and wondered why there was no propertys on there!(the new propertys come on every thurs) on the plus side i dident celebrate my sons bday on the wrong day so i havent lost it too much! lol.
im just wondering if people that suffer with these symptoms would post the most absent minded thing they have done. it would just help me 2 know that im not the only person that does these stupid things!
thank u xxx

28-10-09, 16:15
I poured milk into a glass filled with powder for juice this morning. And I didn't realize it until I was about to take a sip. (Yuck)

When I have been really fatigued from anxiety I have driven to the wrong place and have randomly mumbled stuff that doesn't make sense. I have also forgotten what day it was and when I took things (like pills and stuff).

Anxiety exhausts you physically and mentally and your nervous system can get really down.

28-10-09, 16:32
went upstairs 3x and came back down with different things, none of them what i wanted in the 1st place ^^

15-04-10, 21:38
Poured cheerios into cup, put teabag and hot water in bowl last week. Today I put the milk in the cupboard. Also tried to bring the bike in the kitchen, I don't know why. I have been VERY stupid these last few weeks.

15-04-10, 21:42
As an afterthaught, I've noticed that absent minded things like this seem to revolve around breakfast, milk and making tea! Dunno if that relates to anyone...