View Full Version : Broken bone in foot

28-10-09, 18:42
Please help!
I twisted my foot last week that resulted in a broken bone in my foot..I am so depressed about it, I cannot walk, drive or anything, I have children so its just not easy at all. Thankfully my hubby is being good but I am getting so frustrated with it and feel so down.
My foot is in pain and I am having a cast put on at the end of the week, crutches are just a nightmare..
I have been reading up on how it heals and it mentions a screw in the bone if it doesn't heal, hospitals are my worst fears and I nearly passed out when I saw my xray last week.
Has anyone else been thru this and how long did it take to heal and the pain to stop, and most of all get back to normal. I don't do rest and its driving me potty...
any support would be gratefully received...


30-10-09, 00:53

i didnt break a bone in my foot but i broke my hand. the pain stopped about a week after it was put in cast. as for how long it takes to heal it depends what kind of break you have i had a spiral fracture witch took 6 months in a cast to heal. dont read up on the net to much about it, i did that at first and for some reason the net always gives you the worst out come not the normal one. to get back to normal is diffrent with everyone but you will be surprised how quickly you adapt and learn new ways to do things.
try and rest it and i also took calcium vitamins


30-10-09, 04:53
about 4 years ago I fell in a hole lol, I broke both my ankle and leg to bits, I had to have 2 operations and several pins and plates put in, the pain at the time was intense, but it eased within a few days, I kept taking my prescribed medication, regardless of pain or not and that seemed to help, I was on crutches for 6 months, and this did wonders for my waist line, most bones only take around 6 weeks to heal, they tell you to stop smoking as this can slow the process, dont read stuff on the net as we are all different and the best person to ask is your GP, I wish you a speedy recovery, make the most of the time with your feet up and enjoy the rest and been taken care of, and depending on how you broke your foot, I would look at claiming, there are plenty claim lines you can choose from, good luck

Emms xx

30-10-09, 04:56
As long as you stay off of it and relax, it'll heal in no time. Physical injuries are the easiest to recover from, don't cause yourself excess mental stress over it. It's just one of those things that you have to let run it's course.

03-11-09, 23:32
Thanks for your support, resting is very hard to do with kids and pets to look after so I need to get my head round not trying to do too much and put my foot up. I have what they call a jones fracture and on the web it does scare me saying its a hard bone to heal. I am taking calcium and vit c.
I did think about trying to claim but I did it just by twisting my foot so doubt that would be eligable for an insurance pay out??