View Full Version : anaphylaxis (+anaphylactic shock)

28-10-09, 20:08
Dear All,

This is driving me crazy at the moment.

I always knew this as an intellectual fact, like "alcohol can damage the liver" and "the sky is blue", but recently I can't stop thinking, when I eat, that I could develop (in theory) a severe reaction to anything at any point in my life. Its a scary thought. I am not clear - can't find an authoritative enough source - whether or not you get "warning reactions" first and it gets worse over time, or if it normally just hits one day.

I'm getting nervous about eating, especially new things. And the worst thing is, I get the anxiety-induced itchy/burny feeling and I "feel like my lips are swelling up and my eyes hurt" when in reality everything looks normal and I know in my logical brain this is just anxiety, but you know, it is really lousy.

Its not so bad that I'm losing any significant weight or anything like that, but I fear that in a few weeks I'll get worse and worse about food.

I think this has been going on since about ..the start of August? I remember having a panic attack about it on the 14th because I went to a wedding that day, but that wasn't the first time. So about 3 months because it was reasonably new fear back then.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't something you can need IMMEDIATE attention for as in "oh my god thats a real life threatening emergency". I'm not afraid of say cancer or diabetes or whatever like some people with health anxiety are, its a thing about allergic reactions for me...this year anyway, haha. Before this food worry, it was about my medication I take (have never reacted to, its not logical).

I feel better if someone is with me but it still sucks. I have "safe foods" like a particular branded sandwich, yogurts and pasta (again illogical because they could develop to be triggers) but I'd like to eat new foods with no wretched FEAR.

What personally has worked for you or others in overcoming this?

28-10-09, 20:23
Hi there

I have the exact same fear and i can relate to everything you say. The rational side of me tells me it is very uncommon and will probably never happen to me but i always have that fear in the back of my head, like you especialy when trying new foods. Infact i have seen me buy something and then put it in the bin rather than chance it. I have also taken it to the extreme where i won't use new hair products, soaps, perfumes ect. Lol

In saying that, i have tried new things when the fear is is at it's lowest and i'm still here and fine so it can be done.

Wish i had an answer for you hun but just wanted to let you know that it really is a pretty common fear.

Take care


28-10-09, 20:30
I really appreciate your fast and sympathetic response.

Yep, I've thrown away stuff too. I get very annoyed with myself but occasionally it does happen. Sometimes if I eat things really slowly it seems to help. Not sure why. I guess if I'm okay after 30 minutes, I figure its probably alright. Oh the joys eh! I think it stems from..well I'm not sure. I'm going to work that out.

31-10-09, 12:18
Hi all
Yep me too. This developed for me in February this year when I was going through a bad patch of anxiety. My youngest daughter has been allergic to several foods since she was a baby (she is now 25), and I am used to reading labels etc and worrying myself silly when she goes out to eat, but it never affected me personally before this year. I have had cbt which has helped a lot but not got rid of the problem. I hate eating alone at home and sometimes question safe foods too. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.

05-01-10, 20:37
hello .. I had an anaphylactic shock reaction last spring (09) .. I have no idea what caused it but because it was the first I'd ever had and the cause was unknown I thought it might have been a one off .. although it was very scary.

Thing is.. it happened again last night .. trip to hospital and I am fine now .. except I keep feeling panicky like it's going to happen again .. feel hot and anxious (like you do before it starts) and sometimes I even feel itchy .. but I have avoided the medication I suspect caused it (as I remember taking one of the pills last time and I did this time too !) .. but I just ate something with prawns in and now I am worrying that the things which normally people react adversly to will also now affect me .. the worst time is in bed .. I know this was only last night so there is a certain part of my which things logically it is not completely out of my system yet .. but it is so scary and I don't want to always be feeling anxious about it like this. I have made an appt with my doc but that isnt till Thurs and I know he wont be able to offer any miraculous answers ... I will just be referred which takes time !! :ohmy:

I know this doesnt help anyone but I just wanted to say that reading your posts encouraged me that what I am feeling is not abnormal !!