View Full Version : ***new to the site...not new to anxiety***

28-10-09, 20:24
Hey all im new to this site, glad to met you all.... heres my story...
Around a year ago i started to get palputations quite regularly. At first i thought nothing of it. But it soon started to get my attention more and more... I had just started a new job which i perseved to be less stressful. Im an only child so when confronting my parents about it, they naturally seemed concerned. One day they got really bad while at work, and id had enough so i went to my local gp. How sent me to hospital for checks straight away as mt heart rate was low. Since then ive had heart checks including ECG, HEART 24HR TAPE...with postive results. As the heart has gone, ive know started to get this dull tension headache that just doesnt go away. Im currently on Prozac to help with my symptoms. I also attend regular conselling sessions which help me focus my mind, which when it all boils down to it is the one thing that makes the difference. My headaches last at least 15 days a month, every day!!! granted when i challenge my thoughts about my headache this helps. But only for a second or two then its back. This symptom is my only real concern, and i feel as if im going round and round in circles. Then sometimes i stop and really think about it and it seems stupid that im that bothered about it. Ive recently been to see a dentist who is making me a splint for me to use a night when i sleep... I hope to god this helps me as my next stop has to be s scan of some sort... As i said im new to this forum so hope to get to know some you better. Adz :):)

28-10-09, 20:28
hello nice to meet you there are a lot of us with same as yourself your not alone ,,i have found such comfort here on this site knowing ,,i can aways come here and tell my problems nobody Judges you ,,we need to be able to talk it out ,,i have been a lot better i hope you find comfort my friend ,,,,x

28-10-09, 20:28
Hi adamskii

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-10-09, 20:34
Hey... Gypseywomen and Nicola thanks for the warm welcome it means alot... i hope we can all share our knowledge of this horrible disorder that is anxiety, helping to ease stresses n strain it leaves on our lifes...

28-10-09, 20:37
yes we can your never alone remember that ,,:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

Veronica H
29-10-09, 09:14
:welcome:Adamski. You will find comfort and support here.


29-10-09, 10:11
hi hun ,,,,, i too suffered the same symtoms as you and had every test known to man ,,, mri ecg eeg blood tests and about a million trips to my gp and still non the wiser why im always feeling so rubbish ,,,, anxiety is the worse illness couse no one sees whats going on inside your head ,,,, im now waiting for a refural from my gp for cbt (which ive been told should help me to think differently )so hang in there honey you are defently not alone with this problem ,,,,, and keep posting and getting things out in the open and not bottleing things up couse that dosnt help ,,,, i found a download called dr weeks selfhelp which really helped me x google it and you to should find it x hope this helps x wendy