View Full Version : Conversation Anxiety

06-11-05, 17:52
Does anyone else feels this way?

I was having a conversation with somebody yesterday and I found that half way through the conversation that I was becoming depersonalised?

It was something that I was'nt comfortable talking about and have been trying to avoid talking about for ages.

06-11-05, 19:22
I too get that but I think that is because I am starting to become anxious about how long I'm speaking to someone or even that I need to get going but don't know how to end it! I usually find it's because when I'm speaking to someone my mind is wondering on other worries, then I can't hear them for my thoughts and I start to panic!

Sorry I don't have any solutions but just thought that I would let you know that someone else is the same.

Take Carexx


06-11-05, 20:13
yes I know exactly what you mean. I'm learning to just live in it till it
passes, because they don't see it, it's only in you. It cant kill you,
or drive you insane, so just tell it to sod off.Thats what I do. the more you do this the less it will happen. I think.

Hope this helps.

06-11-05, 21:01

i dont know but i find that sometimes when i'm talking to someone my mind goes totally blank and i cant remember wot we r i was talking about.its ok if its someone i no then i just say i forget but if its not someone you know that well, it is so embarrassing.and then the anxity gets worse.my mind goes all over the place.

im new here too so welcome. just thought id share that with u.

lin x

06-11-05, 21:08
Yes I get this to. It can be scary huh. I really have to focus hard at times.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

07-11-05, 10:03
When my anxiety is high I get this. I think for me I sometimes feel trapped by not being able to get away from the conversation without looking rude.

Think we would all feel anxious if the conversation was on a topic we didn't want to talk about though - think that's the same for everyone.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-11-05, 13:39
Yeah i get this too and think i must seem so rude but i just cant focus at all.
