View Full Version : What is going on? Tender Spots On Head with Pain In The Head?

28-10-09, 21:36
I don't know whats going on but last night I noticed that I touched a spot on my scalp and it made my head hurt deep within it. Over the coarse of the night it would hurt on its on even though I had not touched it..

The only thing that I can think of is I put my hair in a pony tail yesterday and wondered if the stress on my hair made my scalp hurt.. Its still hurting today.. also I went to sleep really early last night. It was almost like I couldn't stay awake..

Today I got up and it had snowed during the night and we are expecting a lot more tonight.. I wonder if the weather has anything to do with my scalp hurting and head hurting and sleeping early..? Anyway have any thoughts please advise?????????????????????????

30-10-09, 00:44
Hi there,

I've had similar experiences on my scalp, the pain feels like an extreme dull ache all through my head. I get the odd tender spot appear when feeling stressed or anxious.

I first noticed this when in shower and touched head and for nearly a week after it was still tender to the touch. I was thinking all sorts of things that could be wrong.

One thing to remember is the head/scalp has a lot of nerve endings and the slightest touch can create a pain that seems to resonate through to other parts.

Try not to worry to much, after 2 years of thinking I had more wrong with me than was really there, I learnt that often the simplest explanation is the correct one.

If it continues though, and you're still a little worried by it, book an appointment with your doctor, this often give the re-assurance we all need that all is ok.

Take care,

PS: If you have not already done so, check out the symptoms section on the left menu of this site, then scroll to a section near bottom called "Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck"

20-11-09, 06:26
IM not sure what it was.. it stayed for a few days.. I have had this happen off and on in my life and it was probably nothing but I hate weird stuff I can't explain.. I get enough already and well it was bothering me.. I figured it was really nothing but then again had to find out if someone else felt this way. Thanks for answering me. Take care..