View Full Version : cant do this anymore!

28-10-09, 21:38
hi everyone

im new to this so bare with me.

my name is suzanne , im 25 and ive suffered severe anxiety and panic disorder since i was 16. i was raped when i was 16 and fell pregnant due to tht. my son since the day he was born has lived with my mother. i suffered bad panic attaks when he was born, the numbeness and tingly, feelin like cant breath etx. though i gt beter without meds and continued to gain my degree and have two more children, throughout the yrs i stil was anxious. wen i fell preg with me youngest me and my partner split. i was alone, and scared and started to suffer again .....social work gt involved to try and help me supposedly . after my daughter was born i did gr8 for first 6 wks with no panic...thn it hit me quite bad . i called my social worker to see if thy cud help me ...and thy took my children away . thyve been living with thr dad now for 7 months. i get supervised contact . im just goin through court at moment to get them bk. nw my panic attack has been constant for around 5 months. with respite of only maybe 10 mins at atime. im 6 and a half stone nw. im soo emotional and low but even writing this i feel numb. my symptoms include. constant sniffin. and cluckin my throat . little coughs . always blowin ma nose to the point my food is coming out. i choke my self i do it so much. my mouth is dry. i cant go out . i cant be on my own . my life is a living hell. if i had the guts a would have ended it by now. i truly truly cant take anymore. i love my children to death and feel im bein punished for being ill. i dont take medication as this is another of my fears. its reli so bad nw. i dnt no wat to do anymore. my cpn cant work with me just now as he said anyone goin through this with their kids will be stressed. wat do i do?? i do not drink or take drugs ive never even sampled a drink. or a drug.

please can someone help me .. im realy needin help. please. are my symptoms normal.

now im cryin which will alsomake me think a cant breath ....aww god a cant do this anymore .

i miss my babies but cant find the strength to get better.
thnks for listenin

28-10-09, 23:53
Hi i didnt want to read and run, i dotn know what to say to help, i have not had those symptoms but it must be dreadful, and i think you really do need to see a doctor and get some help, and they will be able to help you. If you get help you will be able to help and get your kids back with you hun. Will you get all 3 back or just the 2? Sorry to hear your story its very sad, but your strong and i know maybe you dont think you are but i believe you are.

Keep in touch hun and good luck xx

29-10-09, 02:06
I've had anxiety since I was 7...... so it does suck when you have had it your whole life. I always say I'm lucky that I never experienced rape. so many women have unfortunately. so I'm sure there's a few women here that you may be able to confide in.
uh thats so sad when you ask for help and they take your children away.
just because you have anxiety does not mean your not capable of raising your children.
there's a lot of people out there who abuse the kids and the social workers couldn't give a damn.
what about buying some books on anxiety? visit your doctor, try CBT or see a therapist.