View Full Version : Starting Paxil tommorow?

29-10-09, 06:24
and I'm wondering if anyone here has had any good experiences with it or any SSRI, I have Prozac too but just didn't like the things I heard about it but I'm doing myself a favor this time and NOT looking up any side effects of Paxil because I have a big phobia of meds BUT I think this is my only shot right now -my hypochondria has hit an all time low and I'm basically just looking for any form of help/relief.
Thanks :blush:

07-11-09, 23:20
Good luck!

08-11-09, 00:28
Thank you but I had an awful experience! ugh.

08-11-09, 02:07
Sorry I hadn't realised it was such an old post... I looked to see which posts were still unanswered. My sentiments were followed by ! because it was Paxill.. one the most difficult drug to withdraw from... and for some a difficult drug to start.
What happened?