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View Full Version : Im having a very bad week

29-10-09, 09:36
I have been doing really well recently - even though ive been back and fore the hospital as they think i had a TIA ( had a stroke many years ago from taking the Pill.)

I was feeling quite ood - I had loads of tests - they all came back fine :)

Apart from one from the eye doctor who found a clot behind my eye that he thinks could have been there for a long time :weep:

Anyway my consultant has now put me on warfarin - was fine for the first 2 weeks as i was only on 2mg - anyway last friday they upped it to 5mg and I have a blood test today to see if that is thinning my blood to the correct level.

Only problem is every since friday my HA has been in overdrive - over the last 2 das have also had lots of head rushes and diziness and i am now convinced my brain is bleeding (this can happen on warfarin)

Please can someone reassure me that im not going to die anytime soon


29-10-09, 10:09
do you drink alcohol,,as this can cause problems ,,,other than that its ok docters wouldnt put you on it, but if you are getting side effects best to have word with your docter to be on safe sid ps i was a nurse 15 years so i know somethings but i would ask docter

Veronica H
29-10-09, 10:10
:bighug1:No wonder your HA is acting up as you have been through a lot this week. Hang in there. You are bound to have some reservations as we all do when we have to take a new drug.


29-10-09, 10:19
Hi Gypsywoman

I drink very little alcohol to be honest - i think im just over reacting - but still cant stop worrying - blood test today so at least I will find out if my levels are ok xx


Thank you for the hug xx

29-10-09, 10:24
sure you will be fine dont worry docterxs know what there doing ,let us know how blood test goes